Wildlife Trade News

Tháng Tám 26, 2015

Manh mối "trùm" buôn lậu ngà voi, sừng tê giác

ANTĐ - Chiều 21-8, tại cảng Đà Nẵng, Cục Cảnh sát phòng, chống buôn lậu - Bộ Công an phối hợp với Cục điều tra chống buôn lậu thuộc Tổng cục Hải quan và Chi cục Hải quan cửa khẩu cảng Đà Nẵng đã mở, khám xét 3 container c...

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Tháng Tám 09, 2015

Bangladesh police shoot dead six tiger poachers after drastic fall in big cat numbers

Bangladesh police shot dead six alleged tiger poachers in the world’s largest mangrove forest as it launched a crackdown following a drastic fall in the number of big cats.Police said the six died after a gunfight with a gang at a canal in the Sundarbans forest, home to critically endangered B...

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Tháng Tám 09, 2015

Lật tẩy kỹ nghệ độ sừng trâu thành sừng tê giác

Từ trước đến nay sừng tê giác (STG) vốn được nhiều người gắn vào đó công dụng như một thần dược có thể chữa được bách bệnh từ giải độc sau mỗi cuộc rượu say, tăng cường bản lĩnh đàn ông đến chữa những bệnh hiểm nghèo như ung thư giai...

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Tháng Tám 09, 2015

Sừng tê giác giả tràn ngập thị trường

Vì nghe theo đồn thổi về công dụng của sừng tê giác nên nhiều người đã biến sừng trâu thành sừng tê giác để bán cho nhiều đại gia ở TP. Hồ Chí Minh. Thậm chí có những người ở ngay miền núi hoang vu củ...

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Tháng Tám 04, 2015

Swiss customs officers seize 8 suitcases of elephant ivory bound for China

(CNN)Swiss customs officials have seized around 262 kilograms (578 pounds) of elephant ivory destined for China in a random check on three Chinese passengers at Zurich Airport.The elephant tusks were discovered in eight suitcases carried by three Chinese nationals who were traveling from Dar es Sala...

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Tháng Tám 04, 2015

Vietnam to bust rhino horm myth

Parliament – Vietnamese deputy prime minister Hoàng Trung Hái on Tuesday pledged to continue stepping up efforts to crack down on the illicit trade in rhino horn as he met with South African deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa in Cape Town.The two men discussed, among others, bilate...

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Tháng Bảy 31, 2015

Laos, Destination in Illegal Ivory Trade, So Far Eludes Global Crackdown

BANGKOK — When the authorities in Thailand recently intercepted huge stashes of ivory stuffed inside shipments of beans and tea leaves, the seizures were described as groundbreaking international police work.Europol, the international police agency, said the sting operation that led ...

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Tháng Bảy 29, 2015

Where are the Tigers? End tiger farming to protect wild tigers

Tigers are highly endangered – there are as few as 3,200 remaining in the wild. One of the most significant threats for the survival of tigers is trade in their body parts. Almost every body part of the tiger is traded by criminals for massive profit and the trade is fuelled by corruption. The...

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Tháng Bảy 27, 2015

Rhino horn not being used for sexual potency‚ but as a hangover cure

This is according to research conducted by Dr. Dao Truong from the research unit TREES (Tourism Research in Economic Environs and Society) at the North-West University's Potchefstroom Campus in South Africa.Vietnam is the world's largest consumer of illicit rhino horn products and it is in this Sout...

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Tháng Bảy 27, 2015

Indonesia: Major ivory trader arrested in Sumatra

The man was arrested in the coastal city of Bintuhan, a notorious transit point for ivory, tiger skins and other wildlife contraband. Bintuhan is located in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park in the province of Bengkulu. The trader worked with dealers in Indonesia’s Riau and Lampung provinces...

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