Wildlife Trade News

Entebbe — Aviation police yesterday seized 48 boxes of ivory, which had already eluded Entebbe Airport security en route to Singapore.

By press time, the worth of the seized ivory, which was aboard an Ethiopian Airlines flight, was not readily available since police were yet to weigh them.

A kilogramme of ivory on the black market costs $2,500 (about Shs8 million) while a single processed bangle costs $500 (Shs1.6 million).

The boxes were registered to a Ugandan national who is still on the run although another unnamed suspect has been arrested over alleged connivance.

Aviation Police commandant Lodovick Awita said the markings on the elephant tusks recovered indicate that they were from outside Uganda but they will have to go through a forensic analysis to determine the country of origin.

More detail here: [EN]

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