
The Jaguar in the biological corridor of the Forests of Mesoamerica. International Jaguar Day

Views: 790
The Jaguar in the biological corridor of the Forests of Mesoamerica. International Jaguar Day
(November 29, 2023)   -   Jaguar populations in Mesoamerica face critical threats. The destruction of their natural habitat, driven by illegal ranching and the trafficking of jaguar parts, endangers the survival of these majestic felines.


The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica · Newsletter #5 EU DeSIRA

Views: 157
The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica · Newsletter #5 EU DeSIRA
(October 31, 2023)   -   We are pleased to announce that the Great Forests of Mesoamerica partnership is expanding to encompass the Tri-national Trifinio Reserve in the nations of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This inclusion enriches the vision of protecting, conserving and managing forests while strengthening technical capacities in local communities and reaching agreements with partners and governments.


Beginning of the Small Grants process in El Darién

Views: 176
Beginning of the Small Grants process in El Darién
(October 30, 2023)   -   In the Darien territory, the EU DeSIRA project will initiate investments through sub-grants in the Guna Yala Comarca, Embera Wounaan Comarca and the Mamoni Valley Reserve. In addition to the direct accompaniment of WCS, there will be support from Re: wild, who will also work through donations in the Guna Yala Comarca, specifically in the northern region on the borders of the Mamoni Valley.


Securing land tenure: a mechanism to restore Indigenous rights and forests in the Honduran Moskitia

Views: 149
Securing land tenure: a mechanism to restore Indigenous rights and forests in the Honduran Moskitia
(October 30, 2023)   -   The State of Honduras has recognized the rights of the indigenous and Afro-Honduran peoples of the Moskitia region by granting and registering community and inter-community freehold titles. However, the indigenous peoples continue to face a systematic reduction of their ancestral territories and forests, due to colonization for the establishment of illegal cattle ranching by non-indigenous settlers from other parts of the country.


Strengthening territorial governance in the heart of the Maya Biosphere Reserve

Views: 158
Strengthening territorial governance in the heart of the Maya Biosphere Reserve
(October 30, 2023)   -   On July 6th of this year, a historic event took place for the Maya Biosphere Reserve (MBR), with the signing of the "Contract for the fulfillment of commitments derived from the cancellation of the Concession in the San Miguel Management Unit, and community collaboration for the restoration, ecological recovery and sustainable management of the San Miguel Management Unit".


More Trees, Fewer Cows at Climate Week in New York City

Views: 157
More Trees, Fewer Cows at Climate Week in New York City
(October 30, 2023) To counteract the effects of illegal cattle ranching, considered the greatest threat to Mesoamerica's forests, the "More Trees, Fewer Cows” initiative was launched at Climate Week in New York on September 19. In conjunction with WCS, Re:wild and the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests, a strategy is being developed that involves the participation of local communities, indigenous peoples and governments that are committed to a greener and more sustainable future. The initi...


How should we prepare for the "El Niño" weather phenomenon in Mesoamerica?

Views: 151
How should we prepare for the "El Niño" weather phenomenon in Mesoamerica?
(October 30, 2023)   -   Due to an unprecedented El Niño event, combined with the impacts of climate change, the planet is experiencing climatic anomalies never seen before. In 2023, rainfall was considerably lower than the historical average in the 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica, especially in the Maya Forest (-23%), the Darien (-21%) and the Moskitia (-17%). The Panama Canal is already experiencing problems due to water shortages.


Major Conservation Alliance Launches "More Trees, Fewer Cows" Initiative to safeguard the biological and cultural diversity of Mesoamerica

Views: 254
Major Conservation Alliance Launches "More Trees, Fewer Cows" Initiative to safeguard the biological and cultural diversity of Mesoamerica
(September 20, 2023)   -   In a joint effort to safeguard the biological and cultural diversity of the Mesoamerican region, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Re:wild, and the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests (AMPB) announced the "More Trees, Fewer Cows" initiative during Climate Week New York. This unprecedented alliance aims to raise awareness and take strong action against illegal cattle ranching activities in Indigenous territories and protected areas.


Agricultural burns, wildfires, and air quality in Mesoamerica. International Day of Clean Air for blue skies

Views: 204
Agricultural burns, wildfires, and air quality in Mesoamerica. International Day of Clean Air for blue skies
(September 07, 2023)   -   In the context of the International Clean Air Day for blue skies, whose theme this year is "Together for Clean Air," it is crucial to recognize how climatological phenomena like El Niño can exacerbate the issue of forest fires in Mesoamerica and their effects on the 5 Great Forests.


Indigenous Women in the Moskitia Lead Conservation of Nature and Ancestral Culture

Views: 169
Indigenous Women in the Moskitia Lead Conservation of Nature and Ancestral Culture
(September 05, 2023)   -   On International Day of Indigenous Women, we emphasize the essential role of women in preserving nature and cultural heritage. Caren Lacoth, from the Mabita community in Honduras, shares her perspective on the importance of indigenous women in building homes and passing down traditions. 


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