
Case studies: The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica

Views: 826
Case studies: The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica
(December 28, 2023)   -   The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica serve as the world's green lungs, playing a critical role in carbon capture and climate stability. This initiative showcases that collaborative and sustainable investment can serve as catalysts for conserving natural resources and stimulating economic growth. These experiences and stakeholders provide us with valuable lessons, serving as role models in our pursuit of a sustainable and equitable future for our planet.


Trained communities, protected forests. La Moskitia, the most endangered forest in the region.

Views: 1656
Trained communities, protected forests. La Moskitia, the most endangered forest in the region.
(December 27, 2023)   -   La Moskitia, also known as "The Central American Amazon," stands as the binational forest that has suffered the most substantial loss of forest cover in Mesoamerica. According to the “Human Footprint Analysis" conducted by WCS, La Moskitia has witnessed an alarming decrease of approximately 30% in forest cover over the past 15 years, primarily due to illegal land encroachment and extensive cattle ranching.


The Diammayala Initiative: An alliance between territories and diverse cultures to defend water and forests

Views: 1152
The Diammayala Initiative: An alliance between territories and diverse cultures to defend water and forests
(December 26, 2023)   -   To the northeast of Panama City, there is a conservation community known as the Mamoni Valley Reserve, which spans 4,820 hectares and borders the Gunayala and Emberara Ẽjuä So Indigenous territories, as well as the protected areas of Narganá and the Chagres National Park.


Conservation adapted to context: The case of La Amistad and its buffer zone

Views: 1009
Conservation adapted to context: The case of La Amistad and its buffer zone
(December 25, 2023)   -   “By our very nature, and especially among Indigenous Peoples, we have an inherent drive to protect Mother Earth.” Lourdes Frasser Rojas, a member of the Brunka community and the Ecocultural Association of Indigenous Art and Tourism So Cagrú de Boruca, shares this message from her workshop located in the province of Punta Arenas, which is considered part of the buffer zone of the La Amistad International Park.


Cacao for the protection of territory and youth in Nicaragua

Views: 457
Cacao for the protection of territory and youth in Nicaragua
(December 23, 2023)   -   "Our land is our heritage, and just as our ancestors have always preserved the land, we, the youth, must follow in their footsteps to ensure our future." This is the message shared by the young Alonso Joseph, the Secretary of the Regional Government of Indigenous Territories in Alto Wangky and Bocay, located in the Nicaraguan Moskitia.


Leonardo DiCaprio highlights the Moskitia and the Selva Maya as forests of global importance.

Views: 583
Leonardo DiCaprio highlights the Moskitia and the Selva Maya as forests of global importance.
(December 18, 2023)   -   Actor and environmentalist, Leonardo DiCaprio shared a message on his social networks about the Moskitia and the Selva Maya.


Honduras launches new initiative to rescue the Moskitia Forest at COP28

Views: 549
Honduras launches new initiative to rescue the Moskitia Forest at COP28
(December 07, 2023)   -   The Honduran government has unveiled a transformative initiative this week at COP28 in Dubai to rescue and conserve the country’s largest forest, the Moskitia, which is one of Mesoamerica’s Five Great Forests and Central America’s second largest rainforest. The new initiative aims, in part, to put an end to deforestation and illegal cattle ranching in the Moskitia forest.


Without our forests, we are nothing: The Maya Biosphere Reserve is reborn after years of invasions by illegal cattle ranchers

Views: 1090
Without our forests, we are nothing: The Maya Biosphere Reserve is reborn after years of invasions by illegal cattle ranchers
(December 04, 2023)   -   "Without the forests, we are nothing. This is the phrase Sabino shares in one of the nurseries established to restore former cattle ranches in Guatemala. In this case study on the Maya Biosphere Reserve, you will learn about patrols in the jungle, restoration processes and the actions of communities like Uaxactún in the use of xate, chicle, handicrafts and community tourism.


The Jaguar in the biological corridor of the Forests of Mesoamerica. International Jaguar Day

Views: 1017
The Jaguar in the biological corridor of the Forests of Mesoamerica. International Jaguar Day
(November 29, 2023)   -   Jaguar populations in Mesoamerica face critical threats. The destruction of their natural habitat, driven by illegal ranching and the trafficking of jaguar parts, endangers the survival of these majestic felines.


The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica · Newsletter #5 EU DeSIRA

Views: 296
The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica · Newsletter #5 EU DeSIRA
(October 31, 2023)   -   We are pleased to announce that the Great Forests of Mesoamerica partnership is expanding to encompass the Tri-national Trifinio Reserve in the nations of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This inclusion enriches the vision of protecting, conserving and managing forests while strengthening technical capacities in local communities and reaching agreements with partners and governments.


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