Newsletter #5 EU DeSIRA
October 2023
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We are pleased to announce that the Great Forests of Mesoamerica partnership is expanding to encompass the Tri-national Trifinio Reserve in the nations of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. This inclusion enriches the vision of protecting, conserving and managing forests while strengthening technical capacities in local communities and reaching agreements with partners and governments.
Today more than ever we need resilient forests that can recover and face not only threats such as illegal cattle ranching, but also climate phenomena such as El Niño, whose effects can translate into droughts, forest fires, increased rainfall and impact on agriculture, fisheries and, of course, human wellbeing. We are facing a climate emergency that requires immediate action.
In this context, we share this newsletter #5 created collectively to report on the progress of the initiative. The newsletter also includes relevant news and events not only supported by the European Union through EU DeSIRA, but also actions and results occurring within the Great Forests of Mesoamerica, supported by other partners.
If you are interested in publishing in this newsletter, do not hesitate to share your information in this email.
How should we prepare for the "El Niño" weather phenomenon in Mesoamerica?
by WCS Mesoamérica y El Caribe

Due to an unprecedented El Niño event, combined with the impacts of climate change, the planet is experiencing climatic anomalies never seen before. In 2023, rainfall was considerably lower than the historical average in the 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica, especially in the Maya Forest (-23%), the Darien (-21%) and the Moskitia (-17%). The Panama Canal is already experiencing problems due to water shortages.

More Trees, Fewer Cows at Climate Week in New York City
by WCS Mesoamérica y El Caribe

To counteract the effects of illegal cattle ranching, considered the greatest threat to Mesoamerica's forests, the "More Trees, Fewer Cows” initiative was launched at Climate Week in New York on September 19. In conjunction with WCS, Re:wild and the Mesoamerican Alliance of Peoples and Forests, a strategy is being developed that involves the participation of local communities, indigenous peoples and governments that are committed to a greener and more sustainable future. The initiative is framed within the goals of the Alliance of the 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica, with the support of several partners.

Wildland fire management enhances wildlife connectivity
by Boris Arévalo

The Maya Forest Corridor (MFC) in Belize faces a significant threat: wildfires. These fires, often triggered by human activities, can have devastating consequences for communities and biodiversity. During the 2023 fire season, which ran from February to June, a high level of fire activity was observed throughout the MFC. Our team diligently monitored this situation and identified a total of 29 individual fires that created four significant wildfire hotspots.

Strengthening territorial governance in the heart of the Maya Biosphere Reserve
by Gabriela Ponce

On July 6 of this year, a historic event for the Maya Biosphere Reserve took place with the signing of the "Contract for the fulfillment of commitments derived from the cancellation of the concession in the San Miguel Management Unit, and community collaboration for the restoration, ecological recovery and sustainable management of the San Miguel Management Unit".

Sanitation: a mechanism for recovering indigenous rights and restoration in the Moskitia forests of Honduras
by Napoleón Morazán

The beginning of this remediation process will allow the State of Honduras, specifically the ICF and the Indigenous Territorial Councils, to initiate the recovery of degraded areas in the Río Plátano Man and Biosphere Reserve...

Beginning of the Small Grants process in El Darién
by Oscar Manuel Núñez Saravia

In the Darien territory, the EU DeSIRA project will initiate investments through subgrants in the Comarca Gunayala, Comarca Emberá Wounaan and the Mamoní Valley Reserve (Re: Wild-Geoversity).