Actor and environmentalist, Leonardo DiCaprio shared a message on his social networks about the Moskitia and Selva Maya.
La Moskitia

Gobierno de Honduras and ICF Honduras unveiled an ambitious initiative at COP28 to rescue and conserve the Moskitia, Honduras’ largest forest. Under the leadership of President Xiomara Castro, the initiative will be fundamental to protecting this vital natural resource and the ecological balance of the region, and it will contribute to the well-being of current and future generations. It is also an inspiration for the region and the future of the Five Great Forests of Mesoamerica.
Photo: Peccaries captured in the Moskitia by WCS.
According to research by the WCS, over the past 20 years, the Moskitia has faced a number of threats that have resulted in the destruction of 25% of the region’s forests. The primary threats are illegal land-grabs for cattle ranching and organized crime. Ninety percent of the deforestation that has taken place in the rainforest is the result of illegal cattle ranching. Honduras' new initiative aims to end deforestation and eliminate illegal cattle ranching across 1 million hectares of the Moskitia, and to recover and restore 100,000 hectares of land currently occupied by illegal cattle ranches. Land formerly occupied by illegal cattle ranches will be restored into forests and agroforestry systems that will benefit Indigenous communities. Furthermore, the government is spearheading innovative financial mechanisms to ensure the longevity of this initiative that will generate $7-10 million annually.
The Moskitia rainforest includes a number of Indigenous territories: those of the Miskitos, Pech, Tawahkas and Afro-Honduran Garífunas. In addition to its biodiversity, as an intact, primary forest, the Moskitia has a large carbon-storing capacity and plays an important role in the mitigation of climate change. It is also one of the 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica and it is critical to addressing the climate and biodiversity crises. Re:wild is a member of the 5 Great Forests Alliance, which includes partners like Alianza Mesoamericana (AMPB), to protect and restore the Moskitia, Selva Maya, Indio-Maíz, La Amistad and Darien forests in Central America.
Selva Maya

The 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica span an area 3x the size of Switzerland and are home to more than 7.5% of the planet’s biodiversity. These forests, and the #KeyBiodiversityAreas within, are critical to the overall health of the planet and the persistence of biodiversity on Earth.
Yet Mesoamerica’s largest protected area, Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve, faces a potential perfect storm. During the upcoming dry season, the confluence of land invasion, illegal cattle ranching, and intense climate-induced droughts could ignite an unprecedented wave of fires. And this will occur exactly as a new government takes power.
Photo: Tapirs captured in the Selva Maya of Guatemala by WCS.
The upcoming dry season beckons a critical choice: to continue past practices or to pivot towards a 'More Trees, Fewer Cows' future where vibrant economies coexist with thriving ecosystems. My organization, Re:wild is a proud member of the 5 Great Forests Alliance, which is rewilding, restoring and improving the protection of vital forests throughout Mesoamerica.