Activities news

Workshop on “Review the application of the Criminal Procedure Code in handling wildlife-related cases”

Views: 375
Workshop on “Review the application of the Criminal Procedure Code in handling wildlife-related cases”
(August 17, 2023) Lao Cai, August 10 -11, 2023, the Wildlife Conservation Society – Viet Nam program (WCS Viet Nam) collaborated with Department of Legal Affairs (Department 14), Supreme People’s Procuracy (SPP) of Viet Nam to organize a workshop on “Review the application of the Criminal Procedure Code in handling wildlife-related cases”. Overview of the workshop, Lao Cai, August 2023 The workshop brought about 50 participants who are representatives of the SPP, Supreme Peo...


Seminar: Using financial investigation measures to combat economic crimes and wildlife crimes

Views: 658
Seminar: Using financial investigation measures to combat economic crimes and wildlife crimes
(August 12, 2022) On August 12, 2022, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) – Viet nam Program in cooperation with the Department of International Cooperation and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters (Department 13), Viet Nam Supreme People’s Procuracy and the University of Portsmouth, UK organized a seminar “Using financial investigation measures to combat economic crimes and wildlife crimes''. The seminar is implemented within the framework of the project "Combating Wildlife ...


Training on “Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters in Viet Nam

Views: 474
Training on “Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters in Viet Nam
(July 27, 2023) Da Nang, July 20-21, 2023 and Ho Chi Minh city, July 24-25,2023, Wildlife Conservation Society – Viet Nam program (WCS Viet Nam) in collaboration with the Department of International Cooperation and Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters (Department 13), Supreme People’s Procuracy (SPP) of Viet Nam conducted two (02) training courses on Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) in criminal matters in Viet Nam.   Representative of Department 13 coordinated the discussion ...


Training: Skills in collecting and using open-source intelligence and digital data in the criminal investigation

Views: 438
Training: Skills in collecting and using open-source intelligence and digital data in the criminal investigation
(July 22, 2023) Ninh Binh, July 20-21, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam Program (WCS Viet Nam) collaborated with the investigating agency of the Supreme People's Procuracy (SPP) to organize a training on “Skills in collecting and using open-source intelligence and digital data in the criminal investigation". Data recovery delivered by HTI trainer, Ninh Binh, July 2023 Thirty participants who are investigators, prosecutors from the investigating agency, and the Division of ...


Training on "Design anti-money laundering training for prosecutors in Viet Nam"

Views: 344
Training on "Design anti-money laundering training for prosecutors in Viet Nam"
(July 07, 2023) Ha Noi, July 06, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam program (WCS Viet Nam) organized a training course on “Designing anti-money laundering training for prosecutors”. Eleven lecturers from Ha Noi Procuratorate University (HPU) and Ho Chi Minh city’s Prosecutors professional training school (HPS) attended the training with the guidance of Mr. Chris Batt, former Mekong sub-regional Anti-money Laundering and Counter-terrorism Financing advisor for the United Nations ...


Closing workshop of the mentorship program for journalism students "Stories on the go - Season 2"

Views: 550
Closing workshop of the mentorship program for journalism students "Stories on the go - Season 2"
(June 29, 2023) Ha Noi, June 27, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam Program (WCS Viet Nam) in collaboration with Faculty of Broadcasting (FoB), Academy of Journalism and Communication (AJC) organized a closing workshop of the mentorship program for journalism students “Stories on the go - Season 2”. This workshop was to review the WCS and FoB’s journey in building  knowledge and skills of journalism students in reporting the issues related to combating wildlife trafficking (CW...


Identifying illicit financial flow from illegal wildlife trade

Views: 473
Identifying illicit financial flow from illegal wildlife trade
(June 21, 2023) Ho Chi Minh City, June 20-21 and 22-23, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam Program (WCS Viet Nam) in collaboration with Ho Chi Minh City University of Law (HCMULAW) and Banking Academy of Viet Nam (BAV) organized two training workshops on “Identifying illicit financial flow from illegal wildlife trade”. These events aimed at providing anti-money laundering (AML) staff of banks and non-banking financial institutions skills to detect, analyze  and report suspicious tra...


Consultation meeting on “Workplan of the wildlife crime leadership initiative”

Views: 739
Consultation meeting on “Workplan of the wildlife crime leadership initiative”
(June 14, 2023) Ha Noi, June 08, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam Program (WCS Viet Nam) organized a consultation meeting on “Workplan of the Wildlife Crime Leadership Initiative (WCLI)”. Ms. Hoang Bich Thuy, Country Director of WCS Viet Nam delivered the opening speech, Ha Noi, June 2023 Since 2018, WCS has designed and launched WCLI Program in Viet Nam and Indonesia, the first long-term leadership program aimed at cultivating government leaders in counter-wildlife...


Training: Enhancing skills to supervise the investigation, prosecution and first-instance adjudication of crimes in the field of information technology and telecommunication networks

Views: 405
Training: Enhancing skills to supervise the investigation, prosecution and first-instance adjudication of crimes in the field of information technology and telecommunication networks
(June 05, 2023) Ho Chi Minh City, June 1-2, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam Program (WCS Viet Nam) collaborated with the Ho Chi Minh City Prosecutor Professional Training School (HPS) to organize a training on “Enhancing skills to supervise the investigation, prosecution and first-instance adjudication of crimes in the field of information technology and telecommunication networks". Group photo of training participants, Ho Chi Minh city, June 1-2, 2023 40 participants who are...


Review meeting of cooperation between WCS Viet Nam and the University of Law, Hue University in wildlife protection in the period of 2022 – 2023

Views: 420
Review meeting of cooperation between WCS Viet Nam and the University of Law, Hue University in wildlife protection in the period of 2022 – 2023
(June 02, 2023) Thua Thien Hue province, May 26, 2023, Wildlife Conservation Society - Viet Nam Program (WCS Viet Nam) in collaboration with the University of Law, Hue University (HUL) organized a review meeting of cooperation between WCS Viet Nam and HUL in implementing a the series of activities on “Increasing the participation of people and social organizations in wildlife protection in Viet Nam" in Thua Thien Hue province in the period of 2022 – 2023. Within 14 months of cooperation (fro...


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