On November 16-17, 2021, the Hanoi Procuratorate University (HPU) and WCS Vietnam organized a training course on "Designing action in teaching" in HPU’s international conference room and on virtual Zoom platform.

Participants in the training course, Ha Noi, November 2021
The training course aims to equip HPU’s lecturers, especially those are assigned to teach the course module on "The role of prosecutors in handling wildlife-related cases ", with modern teaching knowledge and skills through application of the 4C’s design process (Connect, Concepts, Concrete, Conclusion) to design and develop effective, attractive and interactive lesson plans, helping learners to be motivated to learn and be creative in their own learning. This 2-day training course is part of a series of cooperative activities between WCS and HPU to improve the knowledge and skills for procurators, inspectors, other officers and students working in prosecution sector to combat wildlife crime. With these acquired knowledge and skills, the participants will apply to develop lesson plans for the course module on “The role of prosecutors in handling wildlife-related cases” that is planned to teach at HPU in the second semester of this 2021-2022 school year.

A participant sharing her idea in the workshop, Ha Noi, November 2021