Job opportunities

Entries for January 2023

Consultant to develop training/workshop materials on anti-money laundering in wildlife trafficking and deliver a series of trainings/workshops for Vietnamese prosecutors, judges, and other relevant judicial officers in Viet Nam

Views: 87
Consultant to develop training/workshop materials on anti-money laundering in wildlife trafficking and deliver a series of trainings/workshops for Vietnamese prosecutors, judges, and other relevant judicial officers in Viet Nam
(January 19, 2023) Activity name (as stated in the original p roposal): Improve institutional capacity and inter-agency cooperation in using anti-money laundering (AML) tools to investigate, prosecute and convict wildlife crime Service (to be performed): Develop training/workshop materials on anti-money laundering in wildlife trafficking and deliver a series of trainings/workshops for Vietnamese prosecutors, judges, and other relevant judicial officers in Vie...


Recruitment: Agency to develop the scripts and produce the series of communications reportage

Views: 292
Recruitment: Agency to develop the scripts and produce the series of communications reportage
(January 13, 2023) Service (to be performed): Develop and production a seri of communication reportages on “Illegal trade in wildlife and related risks of diseases transmitted from wildlife to human”. Location of Service provided: Ha Noi, Ninh Binh, Nghe An, Dong Nai, and some provinces in central and South Viet Nam Duration of Service’s performance: 2/2023   I. Background:  Viet Nam and many countries around the world ...


Recruitment: Program Officer (Policy and Legal)

Views: 953
Recruitment: Program Officer (Policy and Legal)
(January 07, 2023) Position: Program Officer (Policy and Legal) Reports to: Policy Influencing Team Leader Supervisor to: N/A Location: Ha Noi, Viet Nam Country Program: WCS Viet Nam Program Team/Division: Policy Influencing Position Type: Full time Internal liaison: WCS Viet Nam’s staff Expected travel: Approximately 35% (As required within the region if/when needed) Organization Background The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a US non-profit, tax-exempt, private organiza...


Job Title: Short-term consultancy

Views: 426
Job Title: Short-term consultancy
(January 06, 2023) Activity name (as stated in the original proposal): A Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) survey report on scope of current markets and wild meat consumption trends and practices, motivation to serve and to consume wild meat and willingness to pay for wild meat, especially mammals and birds Service (to be performed): Short-term consultancy on conducting KAP survey on wild meat consumption, especially mammals and birds Location of Service provided: &...