Service (to be performed): Develop and production a seri of communication reportages on “Illegal trade in wildlife and related risks of diseases transmitted from wildlife to human”.
Location of Service provided: Ha Noi, Ninh Binh, Nghe An, Dong Nai, and some provinces in central and South Viet Nam
Duration of Service’s performance: 2/2023
I. Background:
Viet Nam and many countries around the world have been facing the situation that many wildlife species are on the brink of extinction due to illegal trade and consumption for various purposes such as: food, medicine, jewelry, etc. Besides the fact of becoming a major threat to the environment and the loss of global biodiversity, the IWT has also increased the risk of spreading infectious diseases from animals to humans from uncontrolled activities related to wildlife killing, slaughtering, transportation, trading, and consumption. There have been several studies from WCS and some related international organizations pointing to the suspicion that wildlife is the source of the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous policies focused on protecting species from extinction, whilst vital from a conservation perspective, will fail to address the threats associated with the on-going trade in wildlife and prevent future zoonotic pandemics, such as COVID-19, SARS, and MERS. To minimize the risks to human health of pathogenic emergence from wildlife, the Government of Viet Nam needs to take stronger actions to restrict the conditions that enable viruses to emerge and transmit to humans, which occur in legal, regulated trade of common species as much as in illegal markets for endangered species. The media plays an important role in providing information, raising awareness, and contributing to policy advocacy to prevent the impacts of illegal wildlife trade on social, environmental, and public health.
WCS is conducting a series of strategic communication activities aimed at requirements and proposals on developing and improving the legal framework to prevent the risks of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic outbreaks which originate from animals at the links of the illegal wildlife supply chain in Viet Nam.
II. Objectives:
WCS will hire 1 agency to develop the scripts and produce the series of communications reportage on risks of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic outbreaks which originate from animals at the links of the illegal wildlife supply chain in Viet Nam. Detailed tasks are elaborated in the below section.
III. Description of work:
Outputs/ deliverables
Completed by
Allotted time (# of days)
Payment schedule
1. Develop the script
- Brainstorming, developing, and getting the script of 3 reportages approved:
- Flashback to the period of Covid19, the losses of humans and economy of Vietnam in comparison to the benefit of wildlife trade and farming, the improvisation of the Vietnamese health system, as well as the adjustment of laws.
- The sale of wild birds and mammals, especially wild birds, for human consumption in different locations in Viet Nam; the risks of infectious disease transmission from wildlife to humans and domestic animals at the links of the illegal wildlife supply chain in Viet Nam.
- Dialogue between related experts about the legislative developments required to prohibit the parts of the wildlife supply chain of the highest risk to human health.
- Developing interview questions and ensuring the overall content of the series is appropriated
- Select, Contact & invite representatives from related organizations/ agency to join the reportage interview
- Connect with the National TV channel to guarantee the talk show will be broadcasted
Detailed script of 3 reportages, each reportage 15 minutes length, and interview questions approved by WCS
Upon agreement with WCS
One-time payment is made within 15 days when all deliverables are completed and approved by WCS
2. Reportages Production
- Interview with WCS PI & WHC expert and related agencies/ ministries, rescue centre… as design in the script
- Specialized equipment: recorders, mics, flash, memories cards, hardware, storage device…
- Field trip for recording & interviewing with recording equipment if need as approved script: Rescue center in Cuc Phuong National Park (Ninh Binh), Rescue centre in Pu Mat National Park (Nghe An), Wild animal farming & wild trade market in South of Viet Nam (Dong Nai, An Giang, Soc Trang), Bat cave (Bac Giang, Lang Son, Pu Mat)
Trip reports approved by WCS
Upon agreement with WCS
3. Post-production and Publication
- Write reportage narration and voice over
- Intro and outro motion graphics design and trailer
- Edit and effect added
- Reportage finalizing and publish on online channels
Seri of 3 communication reportages (15 minutes each) with Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial published on online channels
Upon agreement with WCS
Total allotted time (total working days): Upon agreement with WCS
IV. Requirements (selection criteria):
- Experienced social media agency or a creative/media/PR agency that has a dedicated team for communication campaign with the required manpower/personnel and staff that is duly established in Viet Nam
- Minimum required personnel:
- 01 consultant to lead the communication in developing content and connecting with related stakeholder
- 03 consultants to produce, recording on field and in charge of post-production phase
- The agency must have been in existence for at least five (5) years, and must have experiences working with National TV channels
V. Application procedure:
Interested candidate(s) are invited to send
i. Email of interest
ii. Updated porfolio with relevant working experience and products
iii. Financial proposal (inclusive of all applicable taxes, personel, equipements , and other fees as may be incurred in the process)
to before 17:00 of 27/1/2023
Note: Only shortlisted candidate(s) will be contacted