Service (to be performed): Develop an educational reportage of wildlife protection policy compliance and handling of violations related to pangolin scales
Location of Service provided: On-site and selected provinces/cites
Duration of Service’s performance: Jan-Mar 2025
WCS’s person in charge (PIC): Tran Thi Kim Thanh
I. Background:
Over the past years, Viet Nam has demonstrated efforts to improve the national legal framework for better protection of wildlife; especially the 2015 Penal Code (revised in 2017) and the Resolution 05/2019.NQ-HDTP guides the implementation of Articles 234, and 235 of the Penal Code. Authorities at all levels and sectors have taken more radical and synchronous solutions in law enforcement to interrupt illegal wildlife trade (IWT) syndicates, thereby creating positive and substantial progress in numerous aspects.
However, violations against wildlife protection regulations are still complicated in some localities. Meanwhile, after a period of applying new regulations on penalties for wildfire-related violations, a number of obstacles in the investigation, prosecution and conviction process have been revealed, leading to inconsistent application of the wildlife laws by relevant agencies. Especially for cases related to pangolin scales, relevant agencies still face many difficulties in valuation, examination, determination of crimes and level of penalties, handling of evidence, etc.
To effectively prevent wildlife-related violations as guided in the Party’s Central Commission for Propaganda and Education (CCP)’s Instruction No. 13-HD/BTGTW dated July 19, 2021, WCS is looking for a team of consultants to support the development and broadcast of an educational reportage of wildlife protection policy compliance and handling of violations related to pangolin scales in Viet Nam.
II. Objectives:
The consultant team will lead his/her team to collaborate with WCS Viet Nam to develop scripts, produce a reportage and broadcast it on a television channel with the following objectives:
Provide an update to the TV audiences on the violations against the wildlife protection regulations through typical cases related to pangolin scales.
Educate the TV audiences about the laws on wildlife protection in general and pangolin protection in particular and the ways to prevent committing crimes.
III. Description of work:
Outputs/ deliverables
Completed by
Allotted time
Payment schedule
1. Script development and preparation
offenders’ motivation, purposes, and modus operandi used for illegally storing, transporting, and trading pangolin scales.
Contact, and invite representatives of relevant agencies, and immediate relatives (e.g. family members) of the offenders for interviews, as relevant.
Detailed script of 01 reportage in Vietnamese with a duration of about 15-18 minutes
Jan 2025
To be determined according to the consultant proposal and agreed upon by WCS
One-time payment is made within 15 days when all deliverables are completed and approved by WCS.
2. Interviews and filming
Prepare specialized equipment (such as recorders, mics, flash, memory cards, hardware, storage devices…) for recording.
Interview footage recorded and saved
Feb 2025
3. Reportage production and broadcast
A 15-18 minute reportage was developed and broadcasted
March 2025
Total allotted time (total working days): To be determined according to the consultancy proposal and agreed by WCS
IV. Requirements (selection criteria):
A creative/media/PR consultant team with an educational background in journalism, communications, or a related field, as well as experience in developing and running communication plans in the legal field, particularly programs focused on legal education for the community.
Minimum required personnel:
01 lead consultant (team leader) responsible for advising on the development of communication content and liaising with relevant stakeholders. The lead consultant must have at least five years of experience in journalism, communication, or media, and must have experience in conducting interviews with offenders and law enforcement agencies. Additionally, he/she should possess leadership skills to ensure tight deadlines and high-quality deliverables.
01 or 02 consultants (team members) with at least three years of experience in media production and field recording, as well as the post-production phase.
V. Application procedure:
Interested candidate(s) are invited to send to before 17:00 of 10 January 2025
1. A technical proposal with detailed methods to achieve the output/deliverables mentioned in section III.
2. Personnel plan and updated CVs with relevant working experience and products of all participants to the project (link to or soft copies)
3. Financial proposal (in VND, estimated total number of working days and daily rates, including all taxes and fees such as personal income tax, VAT, etc.)
Note: Only shortlisted candidate(s) will be contacted