Identidad Madidi BITÁCORA DE VIAJE

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A day of surprises both welcome and unwelcome! The day starts with a bang as the second car to Keara has an extraordinarily broad daylight encounter with the ghost cat of these mountains, the Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita). Representing a new record for the park, and although too quick for our photographers, this observation along with another of a Pampas cat (Leopardus colocolo) earlier in the week holds real promise for our camera traps. Meanwhile, the advance team presents to the Keara schoolchildren, teachers and parents about Bolivian wildlife and Madidi National Park. Our ornithologist, Rodrigo Soria, finally gets a look at the Critically Endangered Royal Cinclodes (Cinclodes abricoma) in the keñua (Polylepis) forests of the Keara valley, and we say goodbye to Andres Ramirez and Mileniusz Spanowicz who both return to La Paz with the flu. On our way back to Puina Rita the car breaks down and with some pushing and freewheeling and a tow from the quadbike we make it back to Puina as the sun goes down.

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