Wildlife Trade News

Entries for August 2016

August 18, 2016

Huge Haul of Slain Sea Turtles Tests Vietnam

By Rachel Nuwer  PUBLISHED AUGUST 5, 2016 Mr. K had never imagined it would be this bad. After leading a three-year undercover investigation of sea turtle smuggling in Vietnam, his home country, those efforts had finally yielded tips from informants, landing him on the doorstep of three warehou...

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August 18, 2016

Vietnam now rivals China as illegal ivory hub

The battle to save Kenya’s last 32,000 elephants may largely depend on a vague law in Vietnam, some 7,000 kilometres away.As a result of China’s tougher stance against illegal ivory, Vietnam has now risen to become one of the world's biggest market for the illegal products.Two researcher...

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