White-cheeked crested gibbon

White-cheeked crested gibbon

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Lao PDR celebrates World Wildlife Day 2024

Views: 3452
(March 04, 2024) World Wildlife Day was celebrated this year under the theme ‘Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital Innovation in Wildlife Conservation’ and brought together the Department of Forestry from the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the European Union Delegation to Lao PDR, the Embassy of France to Lao PDR, Wildlife Conservation Society and conservation partners, the Working Group 15.7 on Combating Wildlife Crime and students at the National University of Laos in Vientiane. ...


Forest Ranger, guardian of Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park

Views: 4450
(June 24, 2021)   Forest Ranger, guardian of Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park Interview conducted and translated by NEPL WCS staff Mr. Jay White and Mr. Khamphui Invixay Edited by: Manoly Sisavanh, WCS Lao PDR Disclaimer: This project is funded by IUCN Save Our Species. The content of this article is the sole responsibility of WCS Lao PDR and do not necessary reflect the views of IUCN. WCS Lao PDR is implementing the project titled ‘Securing Corridors to Connect Populations of Nomascus leucogenys...


Plenty of forests but no species to call them home

Views: 35627
Plenty of forests but no species to call them home
(July 31, 2013) Plenty of forests but no species to call them home Vientiane Times, July 17, 2013 By Keoxomphou Sakdavong Laos is rich in natural resources and biodiversity, yet there is only the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area (NEPL-NPA) which provides a suitable home for the country's many endangered species. NEPL-NPA is located across the three northern provinces of Huaphan, Luang Prabang and Xieng Khuang. It has a total area of 4,200 sq km and features 129 villages in eight districts. The N...


Future direction of northern protected area under scrutiny

Views: 29627
Future direction of northern protected area under scrutiny
(July 04, 2013) Vientiane Times, July 5, 2013 Nearly 100 officials from three northern provinces gathered in Luang Prabang province last week to discuss the sustainability of the Nam Et-Phou Louey National Protected Area (NPA), regarded as one of the most important NPAs in Laos. The annual meeting, organised by the Ministry of National Resources and Environment with support from the Wildlife Conservation Society and the World Bank, aimed to review achievements and the future direction of the 420,000ha pro...


WCS Lao Signs Agreement with Department of Forestry to Support Jurisdictional REDD+ Project in Houaphan Province

Views: 28365
WCS Lao Signs Agreement with Department of Forestry to Support Jurisdictional REDD+ Project in Houaphan Province
(December 18, 2012) On December 18th, 2012, the WCS Lao program signed a six year agreement with the Lao Department of Forestry to support the implementation of the Lao – GermanClimate Protection through Avoided Deforestation (CliPAD) project in Houaphan Province. Under this agreement, WCS will provide technical services related to REDD+ safeguards, national protected area (NPA) management, law enforcement strategy development and general REDD+ readiness support. CliPAD is a €14 million development proj...


GEF funding to support model management practices in Nam Et-Phou Louey NPA

Views: 26237


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