Identidad Madidi BITÁCORA DE VIAJE

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A busy day for all as methodologies for each study group are tested and adapted to the specific situations and scientists are out and about assessing the terrain. Small mammal traps are set in the montane savanna and a patch of adjacent gallery forest. Mist nets are primed for the evening targeting the areas bat species, and first fishing efforts in the Machariapo River. This habitat is very poorly studied and is also enclosed by montane humid forest and montane dry forest and as such it seems possible that significant endemism is possible. Another team visits the local community of San Jose to attend a meeting and further inform the authorities and community about the forthcoming research activities. In the evening the invertebrate specialist set up a light to attract nocturnal insects just outside our dining room - a giant mosquito net next to the kitchen – and the team is astounded by the diversity of moths that visit in just a few hours – probably over one hundred species of the ten thousand expected to occur in Madidi.
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