Hasty development of Ontario’s Ring of Fire could have devastating impacts

Views: 1769
Hasty development of Ontario’s Ring of Fire could have devastating impacts
(February 27, 2020)   -   WCS Canada scientists, Justina Ray and Cheryl Chetkiewicz explain what's at stake when developing the Ring of Fire in the far north in Ontario


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Coronavirus outbreak shows the risk in ignoring human activity’s impact on nature

Views: 2760
Coronavirus outbreak shows the risk in ignoring human activity’s impact on nature
(February 02, 2020)   -   Human activities that degrade or encroach on wild habitats increase the likelihood of humans catching such diseases, and create many other health risks too.


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Wolverine: Ghost of the Northern Forest

Views: 3745
Wolverine: Ghost of the Northern Forest
(February 01, 2020)   -   A CBC documentary featuring WCS Canada scientist, Dr. Matt Scrafford.


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Beluga whales’ silence speaks volumes

Views: 2122
Beluga whales’ silence speaks volumes
(January 20, 2020)   -   We don’t fully understand how the growing acoustic disturbances caused by human activities on the ocean – such as sonar, oil drilling or the movement of large shipping vessels – is affecting whales and other marine mammals. But judging by their behaviour when exposed to these noises, we can speculate that it is at best unwelcome and at worse a survival threat that interferes with communications, causes extreme stress, and can even lead to death.


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Commentary: Burning wood for energy is not a climate-friendly policy

Views: 2374
Commentary: Burning wood for energy is not a climate-friendly policy
(January 10, 2020)   -   Hilary Cooke and Don Reid, based out of the Whitehorse office of WCS Canada explain why biomass energy, or wood burning, isn't a green alternative.


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The Long Shot: Saving Western Bats

Views: 3293
The Long Shot: Saving Western Bats
(November 11, 2019)   -   A documentary about WCS Canada's work to save western bats


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Warmer, wetter climate benefits some birds as wetlands vanish

Views: 2134
Warmer, wetter climate benefits some birds as wetlands vanish
(November 04, 2019)   -   The grasslands of the Canadian Prairies are a hidden gem for bird watchers, with millions of migratory birds passing through the area each year. But they are also one of the most transformed landscapes in the world, vanishing more quickly than the Amazon rainforest. Our new study found that climate change is affecting birds and aquatic insects more strongly than the temperature and precipitation in a given year. 


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Commentary: Change is on our doorstep

Views: 3141
Commentary: Change is on our doorstep
(October 08, 2019)   -   Yukoners are fortunate to be surrounded by wildlife in our daily lives. We could casually dismiss reports on the biodiversity crisis as irrelevant to Yukon where our wild nature is flourishing. That would be short-sighted and even dangerous. Change is on our doorstep. 


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What’s the Best Way to Welcome Bats to the Neighborhood? The Goldilocks Approach.

Views: 2388
What’s the Best Way to Welcome Bats to the Neighborhood? The Goldilocks Approach.
(September 27, 2019)   -   Recent observations suggest possible problems with bat houses, and a need to revisit artificial roost structures. In fact, existing approaches may only meet some of the varied needs of bats and could, in some cases, create death traps in a rapidly warming climate.


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Fighting a bat killer: B.C. scientists testing new way to combat deadly fungus

Views: 2001
Fighting a bat killer: B.C. scientists testing new way to combat deadly fungus
(August 25, 2019)   -   Our bat research team was interviewed about their work to stop the spread of white-nose syndrome.


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