
Spectacular footage from around the Kavachi submarine volcano

Views: 2520
Spectacular footage from around the Kavachi submarine volcano
(June 09, 2022)   -   On this World Oceans Day, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is proud to release new footage from the surface and flanks of the volcano, showcasing the wealth of biodiversity there.


Scientists Discover Rare Bright Spot for Corals

Views: 3163
Scientists Discover Rare Bright Spot for Corals
(October 05, 2020) A team of scientists have discovered that a large area in the Indo-Pacific known as the “Coral Triangle” is surprisingly resistant to thermal stress from climate change, making it a sanctuary for corals amid the ongoing climate crisis. The findings, published in the journal Global Ecology and Biogeography, are a glimmer of hope amid an otherwise dismal outlook for the world’s coral reefs which are declining globally as ocean waters rapidly warm.The study, conducted by...


Logging Tropical Forests Jeopardizes Fisheries Important for Food and Livelihood

Views: 3018
Logging Tropical Forests Jeopardizes Fisheries Important for Food and Livelihood
(September 24, 2020) New findings uncovered by researchers at the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the University of Queensland (UQ) demonstrate that logging activity in Solomon Islands is associated with lower coral cover and structural complexity on adjacent reefs, as well as lower abundance of many types of fish commonly caught for food and sold at markets.The study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology focused on Kolombangara, an island located in Western Province, Solomon Islands, an...


New Tech Lets Us Track Real-Time Health of Coral Reefs Around the World

Views: 2821
New Tech Lets Us Track Real-Time Health of Coral Reefs Around the World
(June 29, 2020) MERMAID, an open-source tech platform for marine scientists, is for the first time launching an interactive map that provides an insider’s view of the ecosystem data collected from coral reefs by field scientists around the world.MERMAID (Marine Ecological Research Management AID) is a first of its kind free, online-offline platform that allows scientists anywhere in the world to collect, analyze, and share field-based coral reef surveys. Developed in partnership between the Wildlife Conse...


WCS Congratulates Stacy Jupiter for Being Named a 2019 MacArthur Fellow, A Recipient of a Genius Grant

Views: 1774
WCS Congratulates Stacy Jupiter for Being Named a 2019 MacArthur Fellow, A Recipient of a Genius Grant
(September 25, 2019) The following congratulatory statement was released by Dr. John Robinson, WCS’s Executive Vice President for Conservation and Science:“The entire Wildlife Conservation Society team extends congratulations to our colleague Dr. Stacy Jupiter for being named a 2019 MacArthur Fellow. Stacy is wonderfully deserving of this award.“Stacy is a champion for the world’s ocean, using science to develop pragmatic solutions for wildlife, people, and coastal ecosystems. What makes Stac...


Fisheries Outcomes Maximized Through Traditional Practice

Views: 1545
Fisheries Outcomes Maximized Through Traditional Practice
(June 07, 2019) A new study published in the Journal of Applied Ecology has found a possible solution to one of the biggest conservation and livelihood challenges in the marine realm. The study’s authors—researchers from the California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly), WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), Swansea University, the University of Rhode Island (URI) and other groups—have found that fishing grounds with areas that are closed to fisheries but are...


STUDY: Logging Tropical Forests Jeopardizing Drinking Water

Views: 1645
STUDY: Logging Tropical Forests Jeopardizing Drinking Water
(April 06, 2018) SOLOMON ISLANDS (April 16, 2018) – Globally, remaining tropical forests are being rapidly cleared, particularly in countries like the Solomon Islands where commercial logging accounts for about 18 percent of government revenue, and at least 60 percent of exports while providing the largest number of formal sector jobs. However, the loss of native forests has huge ecological and social consequences, many of which are poorly documented.A team of researchers from The University of Q...