Entries for September 2019

What’s the Best Way to Welcome Bats to the Neighborhood? The Goldilocks Approach.

Views: 3262
What’s the Best Way to Welcome Bats to the Neighborhood? The Goldilocks Approach.
(September 27, 2019)   -   Recent observations suggest possible problems with bat houses, and a need to revisit artificial roost structures. In fact, existing approaches may only meet some of the varied needs of bats and could, in some cases, create death traps in a rapidly warming climate.


Posted in: External Blogs

Muskwa-Kechika: An opportunity for bold conservation action

Views: 1576
Muskwa-Kechika: An opportunity for bold conservation action
(September 24, 2019)   -   Wildlife Conservation Society Canada has mapped a larger and better-connected network of protected areas across the Greater Muskwa-Kechika. The result is a proposal to essentially double the existing area of protection. That may sound like a recipe for conflict with loggers and miners, but in reality, our proposed network has been carefully designed to avoid the few areas where there is any tangible interest in resource development.