In Cambodia ,the Bengal Florican breeds on floodplain grasslands in the late dry season, then moves to open upland forests with a grassy understorey in the rainy season. Long-term population monitoring is conducted at breeding sites to assess population trends, since the birds are easier to detect in the breeding grounds, and males regularly display to attract females.
A systematic sample count of displaying males in the four BFCAs located within breeding grounds (floodplain grasslands) was conducted during March-April 2009. A total of 62 1x1 km blocks was included in the survey, representing 25% of the total area. Displaying males were estimated to occur at an overall density of 0.28 per km2 within BFCAs. Extrapolating this figure gives an overall estimate of 68 territorial males (with a 95% confidence interval of 44-105 territorial males).
This represents 23% of the estimated national population and at least 90% of those inside conservation areas in Cambodia. This is the first comprehensive estimate of densities for the areas within current BFCAs boundaries and will form the baseline for detection of future long-term trends. Very similar estimates were made on the basis of national surveys in 2005-7 that covered the same broad habitat blocks, but the results are not precisely comparable.
Additional monitoring activities including breeding season habitat assessment, nest monitoring and protection, rapid surveys of additional grassland to detect new breeding florican populations, and surveys of non-breeding season distribution and habitat choice.