News Releases

New “Trillion Trees” Partnership Calls for Global Efforts To Protect and Restore 1 Trillion Trees
November 15, 2017 –– The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), WWF, and BirdLife International today launched the Trillion Trees programme, a 25-year initiative to help implement and scale global forest commitments and spur greater ambitions towards protecting and restoring one trillion trees by 2050—the number needed to reverse the global decline in tree cover.
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WCS Releases Heartbreaking Video of Rescued African Gray Parrots Destined for Pet Trade
November 14, 2017 – WCS has released heartbreaking footage of rescued African gray parrots from the Republic of Congo where thousands were destined for the illegal pet trade. 
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WCS Urges Senate Committee to Reject Arctic Refuge Drilling Legislation

WASHINGTON (Nov. 13, 2017) – WCS today released a letter sent to the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Chair Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Ranking Member Maria Cantwell (D-WA), urging a rejection of pending legislation to open portions of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil and gas development. 

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(Koh Kong, Cambodia - 13 November 2017) –The Royal Government of Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA), WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), Wildlife Reserves Singapore (WRS), and the Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) announced today the release of 25 Royal Turtles into their natural habitat in the Sre Ambel river system—the only place in Cambodia where this species is found.
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121 And Counting: Nests of Globally Vulnerable Lesser Adjutant Located in Northern Plains of Cambodia
Preah Vihear (November 1, 2017) –Conservationists from Cambodia’s Ministry of Environment (MoE), WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), and local communities have discovered 121 lesser adjutant nests to date in Kulen Promtep and Chhep Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Northern Plains of Cambodia during the 2017 breeding season. WCS has hired 10 local community teams, under the bird nest protection program to locate, monitor and protect nests until fledging. These conditional payments ensure that the globally threatened nests are protected from poaching, egg collection and disturbance.
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Senate Passes Resolution Commemorating Sat. Nov. 4 as National Bison Day

WASHINGTON (November 1, 2017) – For the fifth time in five years, the U.S. Senate has passed a resolution marking National Bison Day as the first Saturday in November, which falls this year on November 4th. The resolution comes a year after bison were adopted as the U.S. National Mammal through an act of Congress. 

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New York Seascape Map Receives Honorable Mention By British Cartographic Society
October 30, 2017 – A new map produced by Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)’s New York Aquarium and the National Geographic Partners has been recognized by the prestigious British Cartographic Society (BCS) for successfully conveying the oceanographic complexity and wealth of marine life found in New York Bight.
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Global Convention Adopts Stronger Protections for Migratory Species

MANILA, the Philippines (28 October 2017) – The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, or CMS, is coming into its own as a powerful international tool to conserve some of the most spectacular and important wildlife species on this planet. CMS is the only international agreement devoted exclusively to migratory animal species.

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WCS Statement on CITES Report on the Increase in Ivory Seizures and Decline in Elephant Poaching in East Africa

October 27, 2017 – The following statement is from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)’s Dr. Elizabeth Bennett, Vice President for Species Conservation.  WCS works on elephant conservation in 12 countries in Africa.

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Culture Revolution: Scientists Developing Probiotic Cocktail to Combat Deadly Bat Disease

(TORONTO - October 26, 2017) Researchers in Canada are developing a new preventative treatment to combat a deadly disease that is decimating bat populations by taking a cue from human probiotics.



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