News Releases

A Valentine to Remember, Forever!

BRONX, NEW YORK – Jan. 18, 2018 – For a $15 donation, your loved one, or unloved one, will receive the certificate to cherish for years to come, featuring the name chosen for your Valentine’s Day roach. To make an extra impression, send “the works” for a $75 donation which includes a printed certificate, the all new “Roach Brooch” pin, crazy roach sox, and a box of delicious artisan chocolates. Various combinations of the roachy merchandise are also available for $50. All orders can be placed at

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 Mothers and Young Struggle as Arctic Warms
NEW YORK (January 18, 2017) – A new study from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and partners reveals for the first time the ways in which wild weather swings and extreme icing events are negatively impacting the largest land mammal of the Earth’s polar realms—the muskoxen. The paper demonstrates that while this denizen of the Arctic and other cold-adapted species have spectacular adaptations, the previously unknown effects of rain-on-snow events, winter precipitation, and ice tidal surges are costly for the animals, if not deadly.
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Canine Distemper Confirmed in Far Eastern Leopard, World’s Most Endangered Big Cat
17 January 2018 – The Far Eastern or Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) is already among the rarest of the world’s big cats, but new research reveals that it faces yet another threat: infection with canine distemper virus (CDV).
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STUDY: High Tolerance for Wildlife Exists Around Indian Reserves Despite Continued Losses
RAJASTHAN, INDIA (January 16, 2018)  A new study from WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), Duke University, and the Centre for Wildlife Studies in India finds that communities living near wildlife reserves in Rajasthan, India, show a high tolerance for wildlife. This is despite them having experienced losses in crops and livestock as a result of interaction with wildlife like nilgai, jackal and wild pig, as well as larger carnivores such as leopard and wolves. Understanding these attitudes towards wildlife is critical to informing park management policies and practices.
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A Mother Parrot’s Worst Nightmare: Nest Robbing Falcons in Guatemala
January 12, 2018 — What’s a mother scarlet macaw’s worst nightmare? Nest-raiding falcons, which were caught on camera by WCS researchers working in the forests of Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve, according to a new study by WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and partners.
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Message Sent: Justice Served Swiftly to Markhor Poachers in Pakistan
Gilgit, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan (January 8, 2018) The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) applauds the Government of Gilgit-Balitistan (GB) for the expeditious arrest and sentencing of markhor poachers in Astore District of the GB. Further, the penalties are of a severity that meets the seriousness of the offense, and are sure to send a message that will deter others from considering similar pilfering of Pakistan’s unique natural resources.
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Colombia Creates New Marine and Coastal Area Benefitting Wildlife and Coastal Communities
January 5, 2018 – The Government of Colombia has recently established a new marine and coastal area for conservation and sustainable use in partnership with local communities in Tumaco, Colombia, according to WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society). 
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Wildlife Conservation Society Hopeful for Elephants In 2018
Bronx, NY, Dec. 31, 2017 — WCS President and CEO Cristian Samper released the following statement today as China honors its 2017 New Year's resolution to make the sale and processing of ivory illegal.
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Bronx Zoo’s Polar Bear Euthanized Due to Medical Conditions Associated with Old Age

NEW YORK - December 27, 2017 – Tundra, the Bronx Zoo’s 26 -year-old polar bear, was euthanized on Saturday due to medical conditions associated with old age. A necropsy showed Tundra to have chronic kidney disease causing acute kidney failure and progressive arthritis that worsened despite treatment. (Read Statement)

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WCS Announces Favorite Wildlife Pics of 2017

NEW YORK - December 27, 2017 – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) released today its favorite images of 2017. Ten of the images come from WCS’s Bronx Zoo, and ten images are from WCS’s Global Conservation Programs taken by WCS scientists working around the world. 

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