News Releases

Sept. 12, 2017 -- The following remarks were delivered by Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny as he was sworn in as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Jim, who has worked at the Bronx Zoo since he was 14, now serves as Director of the Bronx Zoo and Executive Vice President of Zoos and Aquarium for the Wildlife Conservation Society, overseeing its five zoological parks in New York City, including the Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, Queens Zoo and New York Aquarium.
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Bronx Zoo Director Jim Breheny Sworn-In as Chair of the Board at Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Indianapolis, Indiana (September 12, 2017) – The Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) is announcing the swearing-in of Jim Breheny, Director of the Bronx Zoo, as the new Chair of the AZA Board of Directors.
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Sept. 11, 2017 – The following statement was issued today by the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) upon the United Nation’s General Assembly adoption of its third resolution on illegal wildlife trade. Building on two earlier General Assembly resolutions adopted in 2015 and 2016, the 2017 resolution is the most comprehensive on the issue so far. 

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Bronx Zoo's Congo Gorilla Forest Welcomes Newborn
Bronx, NY – Aug. 31, 2017 – A baby Angolan colobus monkey (Colobus angolensis) was born this month in the Congo Gorilla Forest at WCS’s Bronx Zoo and is currently on exhibit.
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Video Shows Dramatic Dolphin Rescue by Bangladeshi Fishermen
August 29, 2017 – Dramatic video released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) Marine Program shows a group of Bangladeshi fishermen rescuing a pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) that became entangled in their net in the Bay of Bengal.
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VIDEO: “One Giant Leap” for Endangered White-Winged Ducklings

August 28, 2017 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) released video of three Endangered white-winged ducklings leaving their Koki tree-hollow home for the first time while their mother patiently waits for them to follow.

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Potential Impacts of Planned Andean Dams Outweigh Benefits, Scientists Say

New YorkAugust 23, 2017 – An international team of scientists investigating the effects of six planned or potential Andean dams on the Amazon river system has found that major negative ecological impacts can be expected both above the dams and throughout the lowland floodplains and the Amazon Delta, according to WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society), the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, and other groups.

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Everyone at WCS is shocked and deeply saddened by the loss of conservationist Wayne Lotter in Tanzania.  He devoted his life to conservation, especially of elephants, and his tragic death is a reminder of the challengers faced by so many.  His steadfast committment to reducing the poaching threat were known by many, and had great impact.  His support for local communities was a hallmark of his conservation career. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are wi...
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Thirty Large Mammal Species Recorded in Cambodia’s Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary
(Preah Vihear 17 August, 2017)– Conducted by experts from Kyoto University of Japan and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), a camera trap study has recorded the presence of 30 large mammal species in Chhep Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS) in the Northern Plains of Cambodia.
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Nine Siamese Crocodiles Hatch at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center

Koh Kong (August 15, 2017) –The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Fisheries Administration (FiA) announced today that the eggs of nine Siamese crocodiles have hatched at the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Center (KKRCC).

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