Views: 4236 | August 21, 2015
The recently launched WCS Climate Change Educational Resource Centre in Kavieng opened its doors to its first excursion group this month (August).
A grade seven class of 29 students from Kaselok Primary school were the first group to visit the centre two weeks ago to use its resources for research.
Community Engagement officer, Francis Gove said the class visit was the first apart from the occasional individual student visits since the opening of the centre in April this year.
“Students come to the centre but they come individually to read, borrow books and do research on environmental topics of interest,” said Gove. “This visit was the first for the centre to host a large number of heads.”
The centre holds information on wider environmental and conservation issues that are relevant to New Ireland such as the sustainable use of marine resources, forest and mangrove conservation.
Although information is available for all ages with educational posters, books, pamphlets and videos on climate change, the centre is targeting schools and student groups in the province.
Students were happy they used the centre to complete their assignment on food chain system and ways human activities affect the system.
Gove said the centre is hoping to involve schools in a program that they are currently developing for such group visits and excursion exercises.
Students acknowledged that they would greatly benefit once the program is finalised and rolled out.