WCS’s New Ireland program recently completed its Marine Field Coursewith all 21 students successfully attending this three week course duringNovember and December 2013. This field course is the only specialized marinecourse in PNG and teaches students a wide range of practical skills andtheoretical knowledge, ranging from course modules on fisheries biology,mangrove and sea grass ecosystems, and sampling and statistical analysis.
Morethan 80 applicants were received by WCS, with the 11 female and 10 malestudents selected representing 14 different organizations including the University of Papua NewGuinea, University of Environment and Natural Resources, Pacific AdventistUniversity, the Department of Environment and Conservation, Office of Coastaland Inland Fisheries Development Agency and the National Fisheries Authority (NFA).
The course wasundertaken at the NFA’s Nago Island Mariculture and Research Facility, NewIreland Province with logistical support provided by the WCS Kavieng office. The2013 WCS Marine Field Course was opened by the US Ambassador WalterNorth who was visiting New Ireland. Ambassador North also visited WCS mangroveconservation sites in New Ireland was featured as the one of the MARSH(Mangrove Rehabilitation for Sustainably Managed Healthy Forests) project’sSuccess Stories (follow this link for story).The marine field course was run by WCS Marine Ecologist Jane Wia, with supportfrom the US AID MARSH project and the David & Lucille Packard Foundation.