To ensure better planning, engagement and participation of all relevant stakeholders, workshops on Review of REDD+ Stakeholder Engagement were conducted in three pilot provinces from 5-9 October in Papua New Guinea (PNG) under the PNG REDD+ Programme.
These review workshops were held following by the completion of REDD+ stakeholders mapping assessment in the previous month in those pilot provinces, including East New Britain (ENB), West New Britain (WNB) and Madang.
Terence Barambi, Acting Manager for CCDA’s REDD+ Mitigation Division said, “PNG is taking a policy approach to implement REDD+ initiative. A key component in this effort is the collective and effective participation from all relevant communities and stakeholders.” He commended WCS for undertaking this work, and also thanked the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Forest Carbon Partnership Fascility (FCPF) for their financial and technical support.
Mirzohaydar Isoev, Chief Technical Advisor for UNDP FCPF REDD+ Readiness Project said, “Stakeholders’ participation would be one of the key priorities to ensure success in the implementation of the National REDD+ Strategy. UNDP is pleased to support the PNG Government through CCDA and relevant implementing partners and agencies.”
The NRS targets actions by government, communities and the private sector to support management of the country’s forests while also helping to develop rural economies. It will contribute to improvements in legislation and capacity across government sectors such as climate change, environment, forestry, and lands while building partnerships with private sector to strengthen economic activities in mitigating climate change.
All key recommendations from these workshops will informthe development of a stakeholder engagement plan that includes capacity development interventions from the provincial to district level in support of the implementation of the NRS.
WCS Scientific Officer, Nathan Whitmore, thanked the provincial adminstration of the three provinces and key stakeholders initially consulted for their support to map stakeholders who are relevant for REDD+.
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