News Releases

Howling Planet: A Baby Howler Monkey is Rescued from Fire-Ravaged Guatemala
A Planet in Trouble: Humankind’s fractured relationship with nature is on the face of this Guatemalan black howler monkey. 
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Can Big Data Save the Planet?
A new paper in Nature Communications says that the “big data” revolution, which encompasses techniques to capture, process, analyze and visualize large datasets in a rapid timeframe, could benefit the planet if tightly coupled with ongoing sustainability efforts. 
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Climate Surprise: Climate Change May Push Some Species to Higher Elevations – and Out of Harm’s Way

A new WCS-led study reveals that mountain-dwelling species fleeing warming temperatures by retreating to higher elevations may find refuge from reduced human pressure.

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Update: Bronx Zoo Tigers and Lions Recovering from COVID-19
New York, April 22, 2020 – The following update was issued by WCS’s Bronx Zoo today: On April 5, 2020, we reported that a four-year-old female Malayan tiger had tested positive for COVID-19 and three other tigers and three African lions were showing similar symptoms. Samples for testing from the tiger, Nadia, were collected from her nose, throat, and respiratory tract while she was under anesthesia. Subsequently, we can confirm that the three other tigers in Tiger Mountain and t...
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Earth Day 2020: As Three Crises Tear Apart Our Planetary Home, Some Inspiration

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) commemorates the 50th anniversary of Earth Day today with a series of messages showing resilience, hope, and steadfastness against the three crises facing our planet today: climate change, biodiversity extinction, and global pandemics.

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End the Trade: New Coalition Invites Global Community to Take a Stand Against Future Pandemics
The global trade in wild animals has produced the conditions for disastrous and deadly pandemics, including COVID-19. To prevent the next pandemic, the Coalition to End the Trade is calling for the permanent end to the commercial trade and sale in markets of terrestrial animals for consumption, particularly birds and mammals. 
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GOOD NEWS: New Data Analysis Identifies the Planet’s Best “High Value Biodiversity” Habitat Areas. BAD NEWS: Only 18.6 Percent are Currently Protected
A team of scientists combined fine-resolution data of highly threatened habitat with intact natural systems, revealing a first-of-its-kind global map of the world’s remaining high-value biodiversity habitat areas. 
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Marine Protected Areas Essential but Not Sufficient for Conservation
Marine protected areas are one of the main tools to prevent the sharp decline in coral reefs being observed across the world. However, a recent scientific evaluation indicates some reefs in protected areas or far from human populations can still thrive, but only a small percentage can achieve the multiple goals of plentiful fish stocks, high fish biodiversity, high fish grazing, and well-preserved ecosystem functions.
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COVID-19 is a disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.  Although COVID-positive people can infect tigers and lions in zoos by close contact involved with caring for them, cats are not easily infected, and SARS-CoV-2 is not known to occur in any population of any wild cat species in nature. It is extremely unlikely that wild cats can transmit the virus that causes COVID-19 to humans.
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An excerpt from testimony by Dr. Christian Walzer, Executive Director of WCS’s Health Programs, who is speaking today before the bipartisan leadership of the International Conservation Caucus.

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