News Releases

Unlocking the Secrets of the World’s Largest Owl
A scientist for the Wildlife Conservation Society, Dr. Jonathan Slaght, has written a memoir on his efforts to study and conserve the Blakiston’s fish owl (Bubo blakistoni), an enormous and endangered owl species in Russia. 
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WCS Congratulates Government of Belize On Newly Expanded Sapodilla Cayes Marine Reserve
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) congratulates the Government of Belize for legislating the expansion of its southernmost marine protected area.
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The following statement has been released by the Wildlife Conservation Society President and CEO Cristián Samper:
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New York Aquarium Welcomes Harbor Seal Pup
A harbor seal pup (Phoca vitulina) was born at the Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) New York Aquarium while the facility remains temporarily closed to the public amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 
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Has Vietnam banned the wildlife trade to curb the risk of future pandemics?
On July 23rd 2020 the Vietnamese Government released Prime Minister’s Directive No. 29 on urgent solutions to manage wildlife. This has been largely reported in the global media as a widespread ban on wildlife trade in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Wildlife Conservation Society welcomes the Prime Minister’s Directive and the renewed attention it will bring to combating illegal trade and consumption of wildlife. However, there are a number of points that have been mis-reported in the global media and areas we think require greater attention to reduce the risks of future zoonotic pathogen outbreaks
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Welcome Back to the Zoo!
Bronx, NY, July 24, 2020 – The Bronx Zoo reopened to the public today along with the Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo, and Queens Zoo to all guests. The official reopening came following four days of members-only access that began on Monday, July 20.Each park is open at reduced capacity and all visitors must reserve date-specific tickets in advance. For a full list of “Know Before You Go” guidelines, visit each parks’ website. The Bronx Zoo’s Know Before You...
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“Brooklyn Bridge Forest” is a Finalist in Contest to Re-imagine the Iconic Brooklyn Bridge (English and Spanish)

The “Brooklyn Bridge Forest,” which calls for sustainably harvested wood to benefit local communities in Guatemala while safeguarding 200,000 acres of rainforest, is a finalist in a competition to Reimagine the Brooklyn Bridge. The public can vote online to support this project from July 24-30.

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WCS’s Zoos Welcome Guests Back Today After 126 Days As NYC Enters Phase 4
The following 33-second video was released today by the Wildlife Conservation Society upon the reopening of the its Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo and Queens Zoo. You can see the video HERE. Each park has a Know Before You Go website page with all the safety guidelines listed and with a fantastic safety video. Here is Know Before Go info for the Bronx Zoo --  Check it out HERE. Also find: Bronx Zoo Reopening B-Roll: Bronx Zoo Reopening Photos:&nbs...
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The damage caused by the catastrophic 2019-2020 Australian bushfires could lead to a dramatic jump in the number of native species at risk, according to University of Queensland-led research.
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UPDATE: WCS Zoos to Reopen; NY Aquarium Reopening Delayed
New York – July 18, 2020 – Based on new Phase 4 guidelines from the NY State Governor’s Office on Friday, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is moving forward with plans to reopen its four zoos but will postpone the reopening of the NY Aquarium until further guidance from the state. All outdoor exhibits and grounds at its four zoos (Bronx Zoo, Central Park Zoo, Queens Zoo, Prospect Park Zoo) will be open while indoor exhibits will not open at this time. Governor Cuomo anno...
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