A new study appearing in the journal Nature Communications says that increasing demand for minerals used in renewable energy production is a looming threat to biodiversity conservation, and without careful planning, may surpass those averted by climate change mitigation in the short term.
“This unprecedented conviction in the criminal court is a major milestone in the protection of wildlife in the Republic of Congo and in upholding the rule of law. It sends an extremely strong message that wildlife crime will not be tolerated.” – Dr. Emma Stokes, WCS Regional Director for Central Africa
A WCS partnership, the Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP), is inviting applications to its 2021 Conservation Team Awards, offering early-career conservationists around the world a chance to gain project funding as well as professional training, mentorship and networking opportunities. Applications must be submitted by 23 October 2020 at CLP’s online application portal.
A design by Pilot Projects Design Collective, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Cities4Forests, Grimshaw Architects LLP, and Silman DPC has won the professional category in the worldwide Reimagining Brooklyn Bridge contest.
New York, Aug. 17, 2020 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) President and CEO Cristián Samper has issued the following statement today:
“At WCS, we stand strongly against the Administration’s announcement to approve an oil leasing program for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Oil and gas drilling in one of our last remaining wilderness areas is a direct hit against our country’s natural heritage. We ask Congress to take action to stop this development."
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