News Releases

Latest Threat to Biodiversity: Mining for Minerals Used in Renewable Energy Production

A new study appearing in the journal Nature Communications says that increasing demand for minerals used in renewable energy production is a looming threat to biodiversity conservation, and without careful planning, may surpass those averted by climate change mitigation in the short term.

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STUDY: For Many Mammal Species, Protected Areas are their Last Hope
A new analysis by a team of scientists from Sapienza University of Rome, WCS, and the University of Queensland, published in the journal Conservation Letters, reveals that many imperiled mammal species have become almost completely dependent on protected areas, and without them, would likely vanish.
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PHOTO RELEASE: The Turtle that Almost Went Extinct, Now Ready for Its Close-up
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA) released a series of images showing hatchling Burmese roofed turtles (Batagur trivittata) – considered one of the most endangered turtles in the world. 
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MEDIA STATEMENT: WCS Commends Congolese Justice System on 30-Year Sentence of Notorious Elephant Poacher and Ivory Trafficker in Republic of Congo

“This unprecedented conviction in the criminal court is a major milestone in the protection of wildlife in the Republic of Congo and in upholding the rule of law. It sends an extremely strong message that wildlife crime will not be tolerated.” – Dr. Emma Stokes, WCS Regional Director for Central Africa 

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Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) Announces New Call for Applications to Conservation Team Awards

A WCS partnership, the Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP), is inviting applications to its 2021 Conservation Team Awards, offering early-career conservationists around the world a chance to gain project funding as well as professional training, mentorship and networking opportunities. Applications must be submitted by 23 October 2020 at CLP’s online application portal.

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WCS and Partners Win Design Competition to Reimagine the Brooklyn Bridge

A design by Pilot Projects Design Collective, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), Cities4Forests, Grimshaw Architects LLP, and Silman DPC has won the professional category in the worldwide Reimagining Brooklyn Bridge contest.


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#IfThenSheCan Pop-Up Exhibit Debuts at WCS's Central Park Zoo
New York, NY - August 17, 2020 - It’s no secret that women are grossly underrepresented in STEM careers, especially women of color.  Designed to activate a culture shift among young girls and inspire the next generation of STEM pioneers, Lyda Hill Philanthropies®’ IF/THEN® Initiative  has created #IfThenSheCan – The Exhibit, a new monumental 3D-printed display of 122 female statues - the most women statues ever assembled in one lo...
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Oil and Gas Drilling in the Arctic Refuge Is a Direct Hit Against Our Country’s Natural Heritage

New York, Aug. 17, 2020 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) President and CEO Cristián Samper has issued the following statement today:

“At WCS, we stand strongly against the Administration’s announcement to approve an oil leasing program for the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. Oil and gas drilling in one of our last remaining wilderness areas is a direct hit against our country’s natural heritage. We ask Congress to take action to stop this development."

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New York Aquarium Reopens; Spineless Exhibit Debuts; Bronx Zoo Opens Indoor Exhibits
Coney Island, NY Aug. 17, 2020 – The New York Aquarium will reopen to the public on Thursday, Aug. 27 after being closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic since March 16. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) member-only days will be Aug. 24-26. The aquarium’s decision to reopen follows New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo’s announcement on Friday that museums and other cultural institutions can open in New York City starting on Aug. 24. Many of the indoor exhibits and spaces at the f...
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STUDY: New Analysis Pinpoints Most Important Forests for Biodiversity and Conservation Remaining in Central Africa
A study by WCS and partners produced new analyses to pinpoint the most important forests for biodiversity conservation remaining in Central Africa.
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