A new study reveals that wild canids (wild dogs, jackals, wolves, foxes) and striped hyenas can serve as flagship species for increasing India’s conservation potential
A disease already known for causing massive die-offs of wildlife in Asia is spreading.
WCS issues a statement concerning important steps the Government of Viet Nam is taking to prevent future outbreaks of zoonotic pathogens like COVID-19.
Khulan (Equus hemionus), a species of wild ass living in the Gobi Desert, travel extremely long distances to meet their water needs – a strategy that will require urgent conservation interventions as local human impacts increase, says a team of scientists.
A team of researchers says that combining standard camera trapping with new “arboreal camera traps,” where remote cameras are set high in trees, can result in more accurate population estimates of wildlife – particularly in hard-to-survey areas like tropical forests.
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