News Releases

IUCN’s New “Green Status of Species” Measures Impact of Conservation Action
London, UK - July 27, 2021 - A paper published today in the journal Conservation Biology for the first time applies the IUCN Green Status of Species, a new Global Standard to measure how close a species is to being fully ecologically functional across its range, and how much it has recovered thanks to conservation action. In the paper, preliminary IUCN Green Status assessments for 181 species are presented. They range from the pink pigeon (Nesoenas mayeri), which was saved from extinction by con...
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Good Tiger News: Northeast China Is Home to 55 Amur Tigers
HARBIN, CHINA (July 26, 2021) – An international team of scientists say that tigers could come roaring back in an unlikely place: northeastern China. Scientists from Northeastern Forest University in Harbin, China, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), UC Davis, Amur Tiger National Reserve, World Wildlife Fund, and other groups recently published their results in the journal Biological Conservation, and say that four major forested landscapes – Laoyeling, Zhang-Guangcailing, Wandashan...
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Technology helps tree-planting champions in Tanzania
Local communities in Tanzania’s Southern Highlands are involved in a forest restoration project aimed at protecting fresh water supplies, reforesting degraded areas and creating sustainable supplies of timber and fuelwood. 
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STUDY: Nearly 20 Percent of Globally Important Intact Forest Landscapes Overlap with Concessions for Extractive Industries
A new study from WCS and WWF reveals that nearly 20 percent of tropical Intact Forest Landscapes (IFLs) overlap with concessions for extractive industries such as mining, oil and gas. The total area of overlap is 376,449 square miles (975,000 square kilometers), about the size of Egypt. Mining concessions overlap most with tropical IFLs, at 11.33 percent of the total area, while oil and gas concessions overlap with 7.85 percent of the total area.
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WCS Announces Appointment of Daniel J. Zarin as Head of Forests and Climate Change Program
Daniel J. Zarin has been named the Wildlife Conservation Society’s first Executive Director of Forests and Climate Change to lead the organization’s work emphasizing forests as a key nature-based solution to the climate crisis.
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Last Chance for Nigeria’s Endangered Elephants: Can a National Elephant Action Plan Help Save Them?
Twenty participants from the National Park Service, Federal Department of Forestry, State Governments and NGOs attended a two-day workshop in Abuja from 23-24 June to identify sites where elephants are still found in Nigeria, as well as their status and threats. 
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Camera Trap Images Reveal that Tiny Nigeria Wildlife Sanctuary is a Haven for Rare Primates and Other Wildlife
The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Nigeria Program released a series of camera trap images from Nigeria’s Afi Mountain Wildlife Sanctuary revealing an array of primates and other wildlife that live in this 100 square kilometer (38.6 square mile) protected area that is smaller than the city of Paris.
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The Warli and the Waghoba: How a Large Cat Deity Helps People to Share Space with Leopards in India
A new study led by WCS-India documents how a big cat deity worshipped by Indigenous Peoples facilitates coexistence between humans and leopards.
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WCS and the French Agency for Development Launch New Partnership Agreement to Fight Interlinked Crises of Biodiversity Loss, Climate Change and Global Health
WCS and the French Development Agency (AFD) launched a renewed partnership agreement committing to share expertise and efforts to fight the interlinked crises of biodiversity loss, climate change and global health.
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BEYOND “JAWS”: Five Things You Didn’t Know About Shark Conservation (Spanish and French)
“Shark Week” kicks off on July 11th, and just in time, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) has released five facts you probably did not know about shark conservation to raise awareness about this imperiled group of fishes and what’s being done to protect them. 
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