News Releases

White-Naped Crane Chick Hatches at Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo
Bronx, NY – June 17, 2016 – Attached Photo/Video: The WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo is home to a white-naped crane chick (Grus vipio) that hatched this spring on the Northern Ponds adjacent to the Himalayan Highlands exhibit. The chick can be seen with its parents.
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NY Mets Players Visit WCS's Queens Zoo

Flushing, N.Y. – June 16, 2016 – Mets players James Loney and Matt Reynolds joined about a dozen fifth graders from P.S. 143Q, Corona, in making enrichment buckets for the zoo’s Andean bears. The buckets were filled with various fruits such as watermelon slices that were then frozen and placed in their exhibit by zookeepers. Treats such as this are often given to the bears to provide a stimulating activity that helps keep them active and healthy.

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Study: Jamaica Bay Wetlands Younger than Previously Thought
(June 16, 2016) –Jamaica Bay’s wetland islands may be just 200 to 230 years old – much younger than was once thought – according to a WCS study that is providing a rare historical glimpse into the bay’s past.   The study appears in online edition of the journal Northeastern Naturalist.
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Imperiled Gorilla Gets Much-Needed Good News
June 16, 2016 – A new report released by WCS and partners shows how to successfully stem the decline for an imperiled gorilla sub-species hanging on in war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
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Historic Declaration Signed To Ensure Protection of Amazon Basin
Lima, Peru (June 15, 2016) – More than a dozen institutions signed the historic Joint Statement for the Amazon Waters today at the Amazon Waters International Conference in Lima, marking an unprecedented commitment to collaboration in efforts to promote the integrity of the Amazon Basin, home to the largest continuous rainforest and most extensive freshwater ecosystem in the world.
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Belize Implements National Sustainable Fisheries Reforms
 June 15, 2016 -- This week Belize becomes the first country in the world to adopt a national, multispecies secure fishing rights program for all of its small-scale fisheries.
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FIGHT THE CRIME: WCS Kicks off Third Phase of 96 Elephants Campaign
June 15, 2016 – WCS has kicked off the third phase of its 96 Elephants campaign focusing on fighting wildlife crime that continues to slaughter 96 elephants each day in Africa.
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 Press Statement: Singapore Joins Global Movement to Crush the Ivory Trade

Singapore – June 14, 2016 – The following statement was issued today by Cristian Samper, President and CEO of the Wildlife Conservation Society and a member of the US President’s Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking:

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International engagement is key to stopping poaching crisis in Africa
Today, leaders from international conservation organizations spoke at an event co-hosted by the Governments of the United States and Germany, convened to honor American-German cooperation to combat wildlife crime. The groups jointly called for governments to step up and to coordinate their support to sub-Saharan countries in Africa in the fight against poaching and wildlife trafficking. The experts from the World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF), Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS) and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) shared their organizations’ experiences and proposed solutions to the ongoing poaching and trafficking crisis.
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