News Releases

Senate Approves National Bison Legacy Act
 Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, said: The National Bison Legacy Act is a milestone in a long journey by WCS, its flagship Bronx Zoo, and many other partners to prevent the bison from going extinct and to recognize the bison’s ecological, cultural, historical and economic importance to the United States.”
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WCS releases statement in response to de Blasio's executive budget

Bronx, New York – April 28, 2016 – The following statement was issued by John F. Calvelli, Executive Vice President of Public Affairs at WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society): READ STATEMENT HERE

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Expedition Scientists in Bolivia Discover Seven Animal Species New to Science  In World’s Most Biodiverse Protected Area
April 28, 2016 – Scientists on an expedition through Madidi National Park—the world’s most biologically diverse protected area— have now discovered seven animal species new to science, finds that were made in 2015 and recently confirmed through careful comparisons with known species, according to the WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and local partners.
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Strike a Pose for Elephants: WCS Launches #ElephantYogaChallenge
APRIL 28, 2016 – Want to use your yoga practice to save elephants? WCS’s 96 Elephants campaign – so named for the number of African elephants killed every day by poachers – is launching the #ElephantYogaChallenge, a social media campaign to raise awareness and funds through yoga.
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Bronx Zoo’s Iconic African Plains Exhibit Turns 75

Bronx, NY – April 28, 2016 – Sunday, May 1, 2016 marks 75 years since the opening of the African Plains exhibit at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo. The exhibit marked the first time the zoo exhibited animals in realistic, natural settings, similar to how they might appear in the wild.

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AMERICAN ICON: Congress Passes Bill to Make Bison Our National Mammal
April 27, 2016 –The Vote Bison Coalition is proud to celebrate the House and Senate passage of the National Bison Legacy Act, which when signed by the President will officially make bison the National Mammal of the United States.
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WCS’s Bronx Zoo Debuts New Additions to Award-Winning Jungle Habitat

Bronx, NY – April 27, 2016 – An Asian small-clawed otter pup (Aonyx cinereus) has made its public debut in JungleWorld at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo, and a colony of Rodrigues fruit bats (Pteropus rodricensis) now share an exhibit with the Matschie’s tree kangaroos.

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WCS Applauds Bi-Partisan House Passage of National Bison Legacy Act; Urges Senate to Take Action
April 26, 2016 – The U.S. House of Representatives today passed the National Bison Legacy Act, leaving only Senate passage and President Obama’s signature to officially make bison the National Mammal of the United States.
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New York – April 26, 2016 – The WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Queens Zoo and Prospect Park Zoo have Sheep Shearing and Fleece Festival events planned at each facility in April and May. The highlight of the event at both zoos is watching the sheep get their wool sheared. 
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Crackdown: Multi-Agency Enforcement Initiative Takes Aim at Wildlife and Forest Offenders in Malaysian National Park
NEW YORK  (26 April 2016) Between 18th April to 25th April 2016,  a multi-agency enforcement initiative called Operation Khazanah (Op Khazanah) was held under the National Blue Ocean Strategy (NBOS). Led by the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), this week-long exercise to combat wildlife and forestry crimes was held in the Rompin district of Pahang and adjacent areas. PDRM Pahang, through its Department for the Prevention of Crime and Community Safety, was responsible for the organization and implementation of the operation.
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