News Releases

First Whale Detected by Newly Deployed Acoustic Buoy in New York Bight, and Scientists Say It’s a Big One!
New York (July 28, 2016) – A new acoustic buoy recently deployed by scientists from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) and WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) New York Aquarium to listen for some of the world’s biggest animals in the New York Bight has detected its first whale species, and it’s a really big one.
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International Efforts Needed to Save World’s Largest Mammals, Scientists Say
July 27, 2016 – A team of conservation biologists is calling for a worldwide strategy to prevent the unthinkable: the extinction of the world’s largest mammal species.
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WCS Chile’s Education Program For Conservation Among the Best Environmental Projects in Latin America
July 27, 2016 – The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is pleased to announce that the WCS Chile program has been nominated for the 2016 Latinoamérica Verde Awards, an event that recognizes work to address the most critical environmental issues of the region since 2013.
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First Ever Little Penguin Chick Hatched at WCS’s Bronx Zoo Makes Public Debut

Bronx, NY – July 27, 2016 – The colony of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) that debuted in 2015 as a new species at WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) Bronx Zoo has successfully produced a chick that is now on exhibit with the rest of the colony. The chick hatched May 10, 2016. This is the first time this species has bred at the Bronx Zoo in its 120-plus year history.  (See photos/video).

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Cambodia’s Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary Sells First Carbon Credits

The Royal Government of Cambodia, through a long-running partnership with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), has sold to Disney the first carbon credits from a climate change mitigation project in Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, which encompasses a total area of 292,690 hectares. 

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WCS’s Prospect Park Zoo and Queens Zoo Launch New Educational Quests Program for Youth and Families
New York – July 21, 2016 – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) scientists work in New York City and around the world to save wildlife. Now, children who visit WCS’s Prospect Park Zoo and Queens Zoo will delve into a conservation scientist’s work through the newly expanded WCS Quests experiential program.
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NYA@Night Returns to WCS's New York Aquarium for
Brooklyn, N.Y.  – July 20, 2016 – NYA @ Night: Boardwalk Brews returns to WCS’s (Wildlife Conservation Society) New York Aquarium on Friday, July 29 from 7:30 to 11p.m. 
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Statement by WCS New York Aquarium on Reports of Shark Sightings off Coney Island
NEW YORK (July 19, 2016) – The following statement is by Jon Forrest Dohlin, Vice President and Director of WCS’s New York Aquarium:
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TREASURE HUNTING TOOL: New Data Portal Helps Organize Scientific Literature on Linkages between Conserving Nature and Improving People’s Lives
A working group of the Science for Nature and People Partnership (SNAPP) launched a new online tool that will help policymakers and practitioners easily access and synthesize evidence from thousands of available datasets on human well-being and natural ecosystems to make better conservation decisions. 
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New Study Finds That Expanding Development Is Associated With Declining Deer Recruitment Across Western Colorado

Fort Collins, Co. (July 18, 2016) A new study from Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW), WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and Colorado State University (CSU) shows that dramatic increases in residential and energy development is associated with declining early winter recruitment in western Colorado’s mule deer populations.

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