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Pour faire des voitures électriques, le Canada laisse détruire des tourbières

Views: 1800
Pour faire des voitures électriques, le Canada laisse détruire des tourbières
(May 16, 2022)   -   Les tourbières canadiennes sont de formidables pièges à carbone. Mais ces milieux humides sont fortement menacés. Un projet de mine visant à extraire des matériaux pour fabriquer des batteries de véhicules électriques est, notamment, vivement contesté. Lorna Harris, chercheuse de la Wildlife Conservation Society Canada se demande dans quelle mesure ce vernis vert n’est pas plutôt une nouvelle manière d’accélérer le business minier.


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Opinion: Government must make the case for mining in the Ring of Fire

Views: 1445
Opinion: Government must make the case for mining in the Ring of Fire
(May 16, 2022)   -   Conservation scientists Constance O'Connor and Justina Ray say success of mining projects depend on solid environmental assessments


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Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan confirms commitment to peatlands

Views: 2272
Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan confirms commitment to peatlands
(May 16, 2022)   -   Canada’s Emissions Reduction Plan reaffirms a commitment to “Investing in nature and natural climate solutions” through a $780 million fund to “conserve, restore and enhance Canada’s vast and globally significant endowment of wetlands, peatlands and grasslands to store and capture carbon.” In this article, President and Senior Scientist Justina Ray comments on peatlands as one of the greatest carbon capture systems on Earth.


An Ever Green story about a massive climate solution 

Views: 1561
An Ever Green story about a massive climate solution 
(May 03, 2022)   -   “Ever Green,” a newly published book about Saving Big Forests to Save the Planet, is a mantra of hope in our global crisis of climate disruption that explains the opportunity and need to keep these forests intact. 


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How climate change will change Canada - and how we can make our communities more resilient

Views: 1457
How climate change will change Canada - and how we can make our communities more resilient
(April 05, 2022)   -   For biologists and land use planners alike, the future of Canada’s natural landscapes is becoming more dynamic and less certain. “We can see the front line of the crisis here, where our species are really struggling,” says Dr. Chrystal Mantyka-Pringle, a conservation planning biologist with the Wildlife Conservation Society Canada. Read more here.


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Les experts de l’ONU se tournent vers le savoir traditionnel autochtone dans l’Arctique

Views: 1483
Les experts de l’ONU se tournent vers le savoir traditionnel autochtone dans l’Arctique
(April 05, 2022)   -   Don Reid, un biologiste de la faune pour la Wildlife Conservation Society Canada à Whitehorse, pense aussi que le monde occidental aurait tout intérêt à écouter et s’inspirer davantage des Premières Nations, notamment pour ce qui est de la gestion des feux de forêt et des risques qu’ils posent à l’habitat de certaines espèces.


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The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) approves Kootenay Lake conservation programs for 2022

Views: 1442
The Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) approves Kootenay Lake conservation programs for 2022
(April 05, 2022)   -   The Regional District of Central Kootenay’s board of directors have approved the recommendations for this year’s conservation programs around Kootenay Lake. WCS Canada will receive $13,000 to fund bat habitat enhancement around the lake, report the Toronto Star and the Nelson Daily.


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Bat Research & Education on the Prairies

Views: 1703
Bat Research & Education on the Prairies
(April 05, 2022)   -   Cory Olson, Program Coordinator for WCS Canada’s Alberta Community Bat Program, says the program was initiated to improve the management of bats in Alberta in advance of the arrival of White-nose syndrome, reports Eco-Friendly West.  


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Rich nations called to provide $60 bn a year to address biodiversity loss

Views: 1289
Rich nations called to provide $60 bn a year to address biodiversity loss
(April 05, 2022)   -   Leading environment groups, including Wildlife Conservation Society, agreed that the US, EU nations, the UK, Japan, Canada and other wealthy countries should support a target of at least $60 billion annually to address biodiversity loss  


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Environmental groups urge UN biodiversity talks to embrace ‘Nature-Positive by 2030’ goal

Views: 1347
Environmental groups urge UN biodiversity talks to embrace ‘Nature-Positive by 2030’ goal
(April 05, 2022)   -   Multiple NGOs including The Nature Conservancy, WWF International, Conservation International, Wildlife Conservation Society, and BirdLife International and business coalitions such as Business for Nature and WBCSD  call on negotiators to revise the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework’s Mission


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