Entries for July 2016

Climate Change in Yukon and Northern Ontario: New Publications

Views: 3939
Climate Change in Yukon and Northern Ontario: New Publications
(July 29, 2016)   Climate change is already taking hold across Canada, particularly in northern regions like Yukon and northern Ontario. As one of our most pressing environmental challenges, WCS Canada is working to find solutions to climate change across the country. As part of this work, our field scientists recently published two papers in Global Ecology and Conservation.With the retreat of glaciers and melting of permafrost changing the face of northern tundra, it is not surprising that this in tu...


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WCS Canada Weighs in on Species at Risk

Views: 3616
WCS Canada Weighs in on Species at Risk
(July 23, 2016) Laws devoted to the protection and recovery of species at risk are meant to provide added protection measures after regular management approaches have been insufficient to stave off extinction risk. Examples of such laws in Canada include the federal Species At Risk Act (2002) and the Ontario Endangered Species Act (2007).The need for such statutes becomes obvious when we consider the ever-growing list of species at risk in Canada – mirroring global trends of biodiversity loss. Once a...


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North American Caribou Workshop

Views: 5093
North American Caribou Workshop
(July 15, 2016) May 16 marks the launch of the 16th Annual North American Caribou Workshop and for the first time in two decades this year the workshop is in Ontario. Taking place in Thunder Bay, the workshop is the foremost conference of its kind, addressing caribou biology, research and management. This year’s workshop theme is Connections: exploring the link between people, disciplines and ecosystems to further caribou conservation and management. More than 250 people from science, academia, indig...


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Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada