Entries for January 2020

Beluga whales’ silence speaks volumes

Views: 2419
Beluga whales’ silence speaks volumes
(January 20, 2020)   -   We don’t fully understand how the growing acoustic disturbances caused by human activities on the ocean – such as sonar, oil drilling or the movement of large shipping vessels – is affecting whales and other marine mammals. But judging by their behaviour when exposed to these noises, we can speculate that it is at best unwelcome and at worse a survival threat that interferes with communications, causes extreme stress, and can even lead to death.


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Commentary: Burning wood for energy is not a climate-friendly policy

Views: 2684
Commentary: Burning wood for energy is not a climate-friendly policy
(January 10, 2020)   -   Hilary Cooke and Don Reid, based out of the Whitehorse office of WCS Canada explain why biomass energy, or wood burning, isn't a green alternative.


Posted in: News Item

Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada