Entries for January 2017

B.C. Has Only a Small Window to Help Bats

Views: 3125
B.C. Has Only a Small Window to Help Bats
(January 25, 2017) The recent discovery in northwest Washington State of bats infected with white-nose syndrome (WNS), a fungal disease that has devastated bat populations in eastern North America, is a wake-up call. When WNS finds its way to BC, it is likely to bring with it major economic impacts both agricultural and forestry. Bats are voracious consumers of insects and if their numbers decline like they have in the east, there is big trouble ahead.Bats play vital roles in pest control. At least one species of ...


Posted in: News Item

WCS Applauds New International Agreement to Protect Polar Regions

Views: 2033
(January 19, 2017) New “Polar Code” will help minimize effects of development on wildlife in changing Arctic and Antarctic watersNew standards will help safeguard wildlife, and for the Arctic, the local communities that rely on them for food securityNew York (January 19, 2017) – WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) commends the International Maritime Organization and partners for the development and implementation of the “Polar Code,” a binding international agreeme...


Posted in: Press Release

Millions of dollars in pest control services for agriculture and forestry at risk due to spread of bat killing disease

Views: 1167
(January 10, 2017) B.C. has only a small window to act to help batsCONTACT: Cori Lausen. 250 353 8204The discovery in northwest Washington State of bats killed by white-nose syndrome (WNS), a fungal disease that has devastated bat populations in eastern North America, is a wake-up call for the B.C. government, says the province’s leading bat researcher.“WNS is now on our doorstep and if we don’t act, we could see a huge economic impact for both agricultural and forestry.  Bats are voracious ...


WCS Canada Scientists Suggest Environmental Assessment Changes to Address Concerns About Process and Outcomes

Views: 3043
WCS Canada Scientists Suggest Environmental Assessment Changes to Address Concerns About Process and Outcomes
(January 10, 2017) In June, the Government of Canada announced the launch of a comprehensive review of federal environmental assessment processes associated with the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (CEAA 2012). With our extensive experience working in regions of northern Canada where natural resource development is being planned in remote and ecologically intact areas, we at WCS Canada see significant gaps inherent in environmental assessment law, policy, and practice when it comes to address...


Posted in: News Item

Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada