Introducing a new WCS Canada Conservation Report, the second in our series, entitled Freshwater fish in Ontario's boreal: Status, Conservation and Potential Impacts of Development. This report, by David R. Browne, is a comprehensive review of freshwater fish conservation issues and research gaps with a geographic focus on the northern half of Ontario --the most intact boreal forest/wetland area in North America. It provides important context for impending land use decisions in this region by highlighting the negative impacts development has had on aquatic ecosystems in southern forests, including habitat conversion, over-fishing and pollution, and mercury contamination. It outlines what is known about the fish communities of the far north, while also pointing out the large gaps in our knowledge about northern aquatic systems. And it provides recommendations for ensuring that the mistakes of the past that have led to the degradation of fisheries elsewhere are not repeated in the northern boreal forests.
Download the English and French summaries along with the Full Report (English Only) here.
Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada