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Kim Melton
Field Technician
Kim Melton serves as Field Technician at WCS. Kim is a wildlife biologist, writer and horticulturalist based in the Yukon territory, most recently on the traditional lands of the Tr’ondek Hwech’in. She strives to tread lightly on this earth and works towards the protection of land, water and ecologies.She believes strongly in the necessity of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples. As of 2022 she is in her second term as President of the Yukon Conservation Society and recently completed seven years co-running a canoe-access tree nursery and orchard in the Klondike. Her writing aims to share the wonder and fragility of the natural world that she is privileged to have at her doorstep.
Morgan Brown
Breeding Bird Cumulative Effects Post-Doctoral Fellow
Morgan Brown serves as Breeding Bird Cumulative Effects Post-Doctoral Fellow at WCS. Morgan’s interest in avian research began during her BSc at the University of Western Ontario with an honours project studying stopover performance between aggressive and non-aggressive morphs of migrating white-throated sparrows. After working several fieldwork contracts for a mix of NGOs, government, environmental consulting firms and academic groups, she completed her MSc at Acadia University. There she studied regional-scale movement ecology of post-breeding and migratory blackpoll warblers, focusing on whether movement patterns of first-year fledglings birds differ from experienced adult individuals. This work presented some of the first regional-scale movement paths of passerines during the post-breeding and migratory periods, tracked using an automated radio-telemetry array.

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