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Beluga whistles and clicks could be silenced by an increasingly noisy Arctic Ocean

Views: 1773
Beluga whistles and clicks could be silenced by an increasingly noisy Arctic Ocean
(December 17, 2020)   -   This article by WCS Canada scientist Dr. William Halliday explains how climate change is increasing the noise levels under Arctic waters, and why the increasing cacophony can spell trouble for belugas.


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IBAs and KBAs in Canada: Bridging the Gap for Birds

Views: 1795
IBAs and KBAs in Canada: Bridging the Gap for Birds
(December 10, 2020)   -   Recording of the KBA webinar by Andrew Couturier on the relationship between Key Biodiversity Areas and Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs).


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New story map: A quest for chinook salmon in central Yukon

Views: 1929
New story map: A quest for chinook salmon in central Yukon
(December 04, 2020)   -   For the past two years, WCSC and the First Nation of Na-cho Nyäk Dun have been working together to inventory salmon spawning habitat, water quality and sources of erosion in the Beaver River watershed using both Traditional knowledge and Scientific knowledge. This story map recreates our steps and how a partnership can help build bridges for conservation planning.


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Getting into the details: how to identify Key Biodiversity Areas, and a look into an ongoing regional KBA initiative in Yukon

Views: 1764
Getting into the details: how to identify Key Biodiversity Areas, and a look into an ongoing regional KBA initiative in Yukon
(November 18, 2020)   -   The second presentation in our Key Biodiversity Areas  webinar series. Presenters Jaime Grimm and Maria Leung discuss how to identify Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA) and an ongoing KBA Initiative in Yukon.


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Ontario Government undermines protection of watersheds and natural areas

Views: 2985
Ontario Government undermines protection of watersheds and natural areas
(November 17, 2020)   -   The Ontario government has been making fundamental changes to environmental legislation in this province, often under the cover of budget omnibus bills. We've created this page to keep you up to date on these - and possible further - changes.


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Social for science: Using smartphone photos for research

Views: 1702
Social for science: Using smartphone photos for research
(November 16, 2020)   -   Digital and cellphone cameras are now so ubiquitous that millions of images are captured around the world every day. These photographs have the potential to achieve more than just wowing our friends on social media, however. They may also contain important ecological clues about our rapidly changing planet.


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It’s time to abandon the ‘detect and react’ approach to managing crises

Views: 1559
It’s time to abandon the ‘detect and react’ approach to managing crises
(November 02, 2020)   -   Health policies typically respond to environmental threats by dealing with the consequences, but we can't keep up with the increasing rate of emerging threats. We need to build resilient human and natural communities. 


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WCS Canada scientist presentations for the Ontario Wildlife Webinar Series

Views: 1878
WCS Canada scientist presentations for the Ontario Wildlife Webinar Series
(October 22, 2020)   -   Presentations on wolverine research and management relative to commercial forestry and combining science and stewardship of Namayo (lake sturgeon) in the far north in Ontario.


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How Key Biodiversity Areas can guide conservation in Canada

Views: 1972
How Key Biodiversity Areas can guide conservation in Canada
(October 14, 2020)   -   KBA Canada Coordinator, Ciara Raudsepp-Hearne, presented a brief overview of the KBA concept and program in Canada, and was be joined by Dan Kraus (Nature Conservancy Canada, Senior Conservation Biologist), and James Snider (World Wildlife Fund-Canada, VP of Science, Research and Innovation) to share recent reports from their own organizations, and how they relate to KBAs.


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How are northern fish responding to cumulative environmental changes? A 4-minute PhD Thesis

Views: 1736
How are northern fish responding to cumulative environmental changes? A 4-minute PhD Thesis
(October 01, 2020)   -   Northern regions are warming at rates two to three times global levels. In addition, mounting local human development pressures may combine and interact with co-occurring climate change pressures, leading to unexpected impacts on northern biodiversity. Watch this four-minute overview of W. Garfield Weston alumnus, Alyssa Murdoch's PhD research to discover how northern fish, and the people that depend on them, may be influenced by rapid cumulative environmental changes.


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Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada