Entries for June 2017

Bighorn Backcountry of Alberta: Protecting Wildlife and Precious Waters

Views: 2396
(June 14, 2017) MEDIA RELEASECONTACT:JOHN WEAVER cell: 406-274-7825; jlweaver@blackfoot.netJUSTINA RAY: cell 416-795-1636; jray@wcs.orgBighorn Backcountry an Alberta gem that needs to be safeguarded·    Area critically important for wildlife and water Edmonton, Canada (June 14, 2017) – A new scientific analysis by Wildlife Conservation Society Canada has identified a conservation gem nestled beside the two crown jewels of the Rocky Mountai...


Posted in: Press Release

Bighorn Backcountry of Alberta: protecting Vulnerable Wildlife and Precious Waters

Views: 3225
Bighorn Backcountry of Alberta: protecting Vulnerable Wildlife and Precious Waters
(June 14, 2017) A new scientific analysis by Wildlife Conservation Society Canada has identified a conservation gem nestled beside the two crown jewels of the Rocky Mountain national park system. The area, known as the Bighorn Backcountry, lies just east of Banff and Jasper National Parks in Alberta and represents one of the most ecologically important areas in the province’s Eastern Slopes region. Based on findings about the importance of this region to wildlife, clean water and recreation...


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Securing a Wild Future for Yukon's Boreal Mountains

Views: 2889
Securing a Wild Future for Yukon's Boreal Mountains
(June 07, 2017) Yukon’s Boreal Mountains region adds a whole dimension to Canada’s most iconic forest.  Here snow capped mountains and alpine plateaus are perched above broad river valleys rich with life.  The region is a haven for predators and prey alike, from grizzly bears and wolves to sheep and moose.  There are few other places left in the world that have been so little changed by human development.  That’s why we need a plan to protect the wild in this globally impor...


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On World Environment Day, Securing a Wild Future for Yukon’s Boreal Mountains

Views: 1983
On World Environment Day, Securing a Wild Future for Yukon’s Boreal Mountains
(June 05, 2017) On World Environment Day, Canada hosts a global celebration of our natural heritage and commitment to protect 17 percent of terrestrial areas by 2020. While this international commitment is a significant achievement, Canada can lead with an even bolder vision to protect some of the last truly wild places remaining on the planet – our northern landscapes.Click here to read more


Posted in: News Item

Securing a Wild Future for Yukon's Boreal Mountains

Views: 2451
(June 05, 2017) **NEWS RELEASE**  CONTACT: JUSTINA RAY: ((office)1-416-850-9038 x22; (cell) 416-795-1636; jray@wcs.org) HILARY COOKE: (1-867-393-2447; hcooke@wcs.org)World Environment Day on June 5th is an opportunity for territory to plan for a wild future.Yukon can play globally significant role in protecting biodiversityRegion boasts large landscapes with thriving ecosystems with iconic mammals such as grizzly bears, caribou, and wolvesValley bottoms seen as key to conserva...


Posted in: Press Release

Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada