Entries for March 2014

Dr. Reid Publishes in Nature Climate Change

Views: 4589
Dr. Reid Publishes in Nature Climate Change
(March 31, 2014) Our Dr. Don Reid has co-authored a paper that was published online last week in Nature Climate Change. The study was an international collaboration to investigate the effects of climate change on Arctic food webs, and found that predation on herbivores is increasing - it is going up by 4.5% for each degree Celsius increase in temperature! This paper shows that predators are the main drivers of the Arctic food chain, just like in the African savannah and North American Great Plains. However, larg...


Muddy Boots - New Blog by WCS Canada Scientists!

Views: 6238
Muddy Boots - New Blog by WCS Canada Scientists!
(March 17, 2014) We have launched a blog, called Muddy Boots, for our scientists to share their stories from the field and reflections on conservation issues in Canada. Our scientists spend a lot of time in the field and have many fun tales to tell about close encounters with wildlife, confronting the elements, and the joys and frustrations of being in some of Canada's most remote pieces of wilderness. Being in the field also gives them lots of time to think about conservation issues and how we might go abo...


Update on Status of Bison in Canada

Views: 4778
Update on Status of Bison in Canada
(March 13, 2014) In November 2013, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), an independent scientific committee, had a meeting to evaluate the conservation status of several species, including Plains bison and Wood bison. This committee meets twice annually to assess the conservations status of species in Canada and recommends any changes to the Minister of the Environment. Plains bison were assessed in 2004 as Threatened and their status did not change through the most recent meet...


Our Gillian Woolmer Helps Bring Conservation Maps to the Public

Views: 4295
Our Gillian Woolmer Helps Bring Conservation Maps to the Public
(March 12, 2014) Our Gillian Woolmer has worked with other members of the 2C1Forest collaborative to compile available data on the flora and fauna of the Northern Appalachian/Acadian Ecoregion into a central database. The resulting Conservation Atlas of maps has now been made available online through a user-friendly platform called DataBasin. This new tool will give a big leg up to conservation organizations with few resources to create and manage their own datasets, as it allows users to create custom maps, dow...


Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada