Entries for December 2020

Bats are superheroes of the night. Their superpowers could help us protect them.

Views: 1795
Bats are superheroes of the night. Their superpowers could help us protect them.
(December 28, 2020)   -   Bats' ability to echolocate is an incredible innovation. It's also one that can help us protect them.


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Beluga whistles and clicks could be silenced by an increasingly noisy Arctic Ocean

Views: 1774
Beluga whistles and clicks could be silenced by an increasingly noisy Arctic Ocean
(December 17, 2020)   -   This article by WCS Canada scientist Dr. William Halliday explains how climate change is increasing the noise levels under Arctic waters, and why the increasing cacophony can spell trouble for belugas.


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IBAs and KBAs in Canada: Bridging the Gap for Birds

Views: 1795
IBAs and KBAs in Canada: Bridging the Gap for Birds
(December 10, 2020)   -   Recording of the KBA webinar by Andrew Couturier on the relationship between Key Biodiversity Areas and Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs).


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New story map: A quest for chinook salmon in central Yukon

Views: 1929
New story map: A quest for chinook salmon in central Yukon
(December 04, 2020)   -   For the past two years, WCSC and the First Nation of Na-cho Nyäk Dun have been working together to inventory salmon spawning habitat, water quality and sources of erosion in the Beaver River watershed using both Traditional knowledge and Scientific knowledge. This story map recreates our steps and how a partnership can help build bridges for conservation planning.


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Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada