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Good management means more fish in the sea, according to a new study. Efforts to curb overfishing have begun to succeed, and offer hope that fish stocks can rebuild if given a chance.
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In a rugged region of Laos increasingly known for unusual wildlife discoveries, WCS scientists and their colleagues find a new “bald” songbird, dubbed the bare-faced bulbul.
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WCSs work in Kenya takes part of global assessment showing improvement in some fisheries  Good management means more fish in the sea, research says NEW YORK – A groundbreaking new study by the Wildlife Conservation Society and an international team of scientists brings surprising good news for some of the world’s fisheries: efforts to curb overfishing have begun to succeed giving hope that fish stocks can rebui...
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October through December, 2009 Brooklyn , NY – Exciting educational adventures await you and your family. Meet some of our incredible animals! To make a reservation, please call 718-399-7321. Barnyard Bonanza Experience the farm without leaving the city! Children will feed Aggie the cow and her barnyard companions, learn about farm life while making butter, and put hand to feather when they me...
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Discovery of new species marks first bald songbird discovered in mainland Asia “Bare-faced bulbul” is restricted to rugged region in Laos Project funded by Minerals and Metals Group NEW YORK – An odd songbird with a bald head living in a rugged region in Laos has been discovered by scientists from the Wildlife Conservation Society and University of Melbourne, as part of a project funded and managed by the mining company MMG (Minerals and Metals Group) that operates the Sepon cop...
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WCS Applauds Leadership of Congresswoman Madeleine Bordalloand Calls for Port of Entry Monitoring in Global Wildlife Conservation, Coordination, and Enhancement Act WASHINGTON, D.C. (JULY 28, 2009) The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Executive Vice President of Public Affairs John Calvelli submitted testimony today applauding the leadership of Subcommittee Chairwoman Madeleine Bordallo (D-GU) for championing the Global Wildlife Conservat...
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Bronx, NY June 27, 2009 - From the back, she looks like a zebra; in the middle, she looks like a donkey; and up front, her face resembles her closest relative - the giraffe.The okapi calf is called Mbaya. She lives with her mother, Kweli, in the Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Okapi Jungle and Ituri Field Camp in the Congo Gorilla Forest. The okapi are an integral part of this exhibit celebrating its ten-year anniversary.Mbaya was born this spring, weighing 65 pounds. She is the fourth calf born to he...
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The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Bronx Zoo celebrates the first year of its Madagascar! exhibit with the births of five lemur babies. The exhibit has garnered multiple awards since opening last summer.
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Exhibit's Inhabitants Are Truly Feeling at Home As WCS Celebrates First Anniversary of Madagascar!, the Exhibit Gets the Gold for Being Green Bronx, NY – June 21 -- The Wildlife Conservation Society’s (WCS) Bronx Zoo is celebrating the birth of five newborns during the first year of its newest exhibit, Madagascar!. Three red ruffed lemurs, 1 collared lemur and 1 Coquerel’s sifaka, all primates endemic to Madagascar, were born in the exhibit. ...
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Flushing, N.Y. – Planning a unique venue for your child’s birthday celebration? Consider the Queens Zoo, where, in addition to party hats, presents and cake, kids can learn about and discover the wild world of animals. Zoo birthday parties, which are available in different themes, are a fun combination of activities, crafts and visits to animal exhibits. Zoo educators conduct each party, and take care of all party needs. The best part is, kids can get up-close-and-personal with some live animal ...
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