WCS China


About Us

China’s vast and complex landscapes are undergoing an equally vast and complex transformation. Its wildernesses span tropical and mountain forests, grasslands, meadows, deserts, high-altitude lakes, and coastal marshes. The sheer number of species found in the country is astounding: 580 mammals, 1,330 birds, 407 reptiles, 321 amphibians, and more than 3,500 fish. More than 10 percent of China’s vertebrate species are found only here—including the giant panda, three species of snub-nosed monkeys, Chinese alligator, Przewalski’s gazelle, and white-lipped and Pere David deer. Other important and threatened wildlife include tigerssnow leopards, wild yak, and Tibetan antelope or “chiru.” Despite China’s natural wealth, the country’s array of species has experienced unprecedented declines during the last few decades, largely due to the overexploitation of natural resources and unsustainable economic development.  


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WCS China Program
Room 1101, Unit2, Tower2, Ronghuashijia, No.29 Xiaoyingbeilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing (100101)