WCS Canada comments on Ontario's IESO Pathways to Decarbonization May 2023
We support actions to help Ontario and Canada meet their climate commitments, including efforts to reduce emissions across all sectors, and protecting natural carbon stores and sinks such as the northern forests and peatlands in the far north in Ontario. Therefore, we support transitioning Ontario’s electricity production to lower emitting sources. However, our overarching concern is that the IESO Pathways to Decarbonization Study is currently very narrowly scoped on maintaining business-as-usual approaches, and that the proposed approach will therefore fail to meet climate commitments and targets.
WCS Canada Comments on Yukon's Clean Energy Act January2022
WCS Canada scientists have been working in Yukon since 2004 on land use and protected areas planning, land and water management, wildlife conservation research, and policy applications for conservation science. The Government of Yukon is committed to reducing the Yukon’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with the exception of mining emissions, by 45 per cent by 2030, reaching net-zero emissions across the Yukon’s entire economy by 2050. These are our comments on the proposed Clean Energy Act in Yukon.
WCS Canada Comments on Discussion Paper - Preparing for Climate Change: Canada's National Adaptation Strategy
Thank you for the opportunity to submit our remarks on the Discussion Paper, ‘Preparing for Climate Change: Canada’s National Adaption Strategy’. We do so in our collective capacity as conservation scientists on behalf of Wildlife Conservation Society Canada. Here we offer high-level comments in support of the strong role that can and should be played by the federal government for Canada to adapt to climate change. Our comments focus on the role of the “Thriving Natural Environment” as one of five “systems” across which Canada intends to “advance climate preparedness”. In general, while we were pleased to see a larger role acknowledged in this strategy for the Natural Environment than has been evident in previous versions, this “system” should not be considered or addressed in isolation.
WCS Canada Comments - Environment and Climate Change Canada Natural Climate Solutions Program Design - January 2021
We were invited to participate in a discussion on the potential approaches to implementing Natural Climate Solutions. Here, we provide recommendations, including but not limited to, the conservation of high-carbon ecosystems including peatlands.
WCS Canada Comments - Federal discussion paper on carbon pollution pricing - September 2020
We provide recommendations in response to Environment and Climate Change Canada's discussion paper - Carbon Pollution Pricing: Considerations for Protocol Development in the Federal Greenhouse Gas Offset System. We recommend that the Government of Canada explore policy, legislative and/or financial measures that could complement the offset system and broaden the range of tools available to Natural Climate Solutions that could be applied to incentivize long-term carbon management.
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