Entries for March 2013

PRESS RELEASE: New WCS Canada Report on Wildlife in Southern Canadian Rockies

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PRESS RELEASE: New WCS Canada Report  on Wildlife in Southern Canadian Rockies
(March 06, 2013) **NEWS RELEASE**   CONTACT:    SCOTT SMITH: (1-406 522 9333 x116; ssmith@wcs.org) STEPHEN SAUTNER: (1-718 220 3682; ssautner@wcs.org  JUSTINA RAY (1-416-850-9038 EXT. 22; jray@wcs.org)  Wildlife in Southern Canadian Rockies Vulnerable to Human Impacts New WCS Canada report maps out key habitats.  Calls for safe havens, safe passages  Grizzly bears, wolverines, mountain goats and bull trout among the “highly” vulner...


Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada