Entries for October 2007

30 Oct, 2007 - Carnivores in the Southern Canadian Rockies: Core Areas and Connectivity across the Crowsnest Highway

Views: 5401
(October 30, 2007) The "southern Canadian Rocky Mountains" -- between Banff National Park and Glacier National Park at the U.S. border -- support an assemblage of carnivores that appears unique in North America for its intact diversity.  Due to their particular geographic position, the southern Canadian Rockies also represent one of the most strategically important sections in maintaining broad ecological connectivity in the western mountains of North America.  A new WCS Canada report, the third in this ...


30 Oct, 2007 - Booming Development in Southern Canadian Rockies threatens to squeeze bears and other wildlife report says.

Views: 4660
(October 30, 2007) Regional planning needed to preserve habitat for wide-ranging species.  View in Full.  Link to Full Report.

19 Oct, 2007 - WCS Canada Influences the Expansion of Nahanni National Park Reserve

Views: 5665
(October 19, 2007) In 1972, the original boundaries of Nahanni National Park Reserve were established to protect the famed canyons and waterfalls of the South Nahanni River from a proposed dam and reservoir. In early 2003, the Canadian government made an interim withdrawal of 23,000km2 from development, based in part upon Dr. John Weaver’s initial field survey of grizzly bears. However, this withdrawal order left out over 5,000km2 in five separate enclaves with mineral potential scattered across this huge wa...


Photo credits: Banner | William Halliday © WCS Canada