News Releases

WCS Experts Attending the Our Ocean Conference in Bali, Indonesia
WCS will have marine conservation experts on the ground at OOC18, taking place in Bali, Indonesia on October 29th and 30th, to join with other conservation organizations, government delegates, and businesses in pledging new commitments for ocean conservation and discussing progress on previously made commitments. For more information on the event, click here.
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A Black Bear Playbook:  Conservationists Predict Bear/Human Conflict Hot-Spots in New Study
A new study by WCS, American Museum of Natural History, and other partners uses long term data on bear mortality to map high-probability hot-spots for human-bear conflicts.
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New York’s Offshore Waters Home to Whales & Other Marine Species
WCS marine scientists surveying the waters of New York Bight for marine mammals and other species are enjoying a banner year, encountering a wide array of marine life in the waters just beyond—and sometimes in sight of—New York City.
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Amazing Video Shows Recent Release of Zebras to Tanzanian Highlands After Nearly 50-Year Absence

Conservationists from WCS, Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA) and the Tanzania Wildlife Research Institute (TAWIRI), released an incredible video today showing the successful re-introduction of 24 zebras into Tanzania’s Kitulo National Park in the Southern Highlands region last week – part of a bold effort to re-wild this once pristine landscape.

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WCS Tribute to Paul G. Allen
Our team at WCS mourns the loss of Paul G. Allen, co-founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s foremost philanthropists for species conservation.
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Myanmar Establishes New Protected Area For Critically Endangered Irrawaddy Dolphin
Working in collaboration with Myanmar’s Department of Fisheries (DoF), WCS has announced the creation of a new protected area for a population of critically endangered Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) living in the Ayeyawady River of central Myanmar. The new 100-kilometer (62 mile) zone will serve as an extension to an existing protected area established in 2005 between the towns of Mingun and Kyauk Myaung which established in collaboration between DoF and WCS. Said Saw Htun, Dep...
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WCS Calls for Renewed Action at Conclusion of London Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference
WCS congratulates the government of the United Kingdom for bringing the world together to focus on wildlife trafficking and strategize how governments, NGOs, and other stakeholders can collaborate to combat this scourge. 
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PPR Virus Poses Threat to Conservation

A team of conservationists from the Royal Veterinary College, WCS, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna published a letter in this week’s edition of the journal Science on the threat of the virus peste des petits ruminants (PPR) to conservation.

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WCS: Proposed USFWS and NMFS Regulations Would Weaken Endangered Species Act
In comments submitted to the U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Commerce, WCS expressed its opposition to the Administration’s proposed changes to Endangered Species Act regulations that would undermine the core goals of the ESA, as articulated by Congress.
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On Thursday, Sept. 27, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) held its sixth annual SIP FOR THE SEA event to showcase its marine conservation and education work at the New York Aquarium and across the globe. The event featured sustainable seafood and wine pairings along with other delectable offerings from many of New York’s top restaurants. Proceeds will support WCS’s commitment to save wildlife and wild places in New York and around the world.
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