News Releases

Scientists Look Into The Past  To Help Identify Fish Threatened with Local Extinction
Marine scientists from the University of Queensland, WCS (Wildlife Conservation Society) and other groups have developed a methodology to assess fish stocks that combines new data with archeological and historical records – some dating back to the 8th Century AD.
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WCS’s “9 for ‘19”: Nine Iconic Wildlife Species that will Actually do Better this Year
WCS scientists in our Global Conservation Program and in our zoos and aquarium issued a list of nine iconic wildlife species that are recovering in 2019 due to conservation action.
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Climate Adaptation: WCS Awards $2.5 Million to 13 U.S. Conservation Projects Implementing Innovative Approaches to Help Wildlife Adapt to Climate Change
WCS has announced 13 new grants to nonprofit organizations implementing on-the-ground, science-driven projects that will help wildlife and ecosystems adapt to climate change. 
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New York Aquarium Receives 5 Endangered Atlantic Sturgeon  To Educate Public About Imperative to Prevent Its Extinction
The New York Aquarium has received five Endangered Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus) and has been designated a satellite research facility by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to educate aquarium visitors about the importance of protecting the historically important fish that were once plentiful in the Hudson River.
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Footage Shows Rare Glimpse of Jaguar Swimming through Lagoon in Belize
WCS shared a video today showing incredible footage of a jaguar swimming across Placencia Lagoon in southern Belize.  The video, shot by Belizean boat captain Darryl Lozano, shows the jaguar effortlessly swimming across a channel until it reaches some red mangroves on a shoreline. WCS recognizes the Placencia Lagoon as an important fish nursery, with rare Halophila seagrass and a mangrove forest surrounding a critical Antillean manatee hotspot. WCS is supporting local efforts to get this la...
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Nassau Grouper Becomes Critically Endangered
The Nassau grouper—a fish known for its spectacular spawning aggregations in and around the Caribbean Sea—is now a “Critically Endangered” species, according to a new assessment by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) that was recently published and supported by studies and data generated by WCS scientists working in the coastal waters of Belize.
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A Valentine to Remember… Forever!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and the Bronx Zoo is once again offering the only gift that will be around longer than anyone – the original Name-a-Roach is back. The Bronx Zoo is offering the opportunity to symbolically name its 50,000-plus giant Madagascar hissing cockroaches for Valentine’s Day 2019. The tongue-in-cheek gift comes with a colorful certificate emailed to your loved one announcing that a cockroach has been named in his or her honor.

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WCS Leads First Study to Look into Ranger Motivation to Improve Law Enforcement Effectiveness in DRCongo

A new study by WCS looks at the job satisfaction of front line conservation rangers working in challenging conditions at a national park in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and identifies ways to improve motivation to make them more effective at enforcing the law.

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Registration Now Open: 11th Annual WCS Run for the Wild at the Bronx Zoo

Registration is now open for the 11th annual WCS Run for the Wild 5K run/walk. The spring event is scheduled for Saturday, April 27 at the Bronx Zoo and is dedicated to saving wildlife and wild places. Runners, walkers, and wildlife supporters are invited to participate and/or support a participant. Early bird registration discount is available through January 31. Individuals and teams can register online at

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Prospect Park Zoo Joins Program to Breed Near Threatened Pallas’s Cats

The Prospect Park Zoo has joined a program to breed Pallas’s cats (Otocolobus manul), which are classified as “Near Threatened” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The new exhibit will give visitors an opportunity to view male, Batu, from Krakow Zoo and female, Sarnai, from Helsinki Zoo.  Both cats are new to the Prospect Park Zoo. 

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