The Wildlife Conservation Society’s Adirondack Program announces a call for volunteers to survey loons on Adirondack lakes as part of the 18th Annual Adirondack Loon Census. The event will take place on Saturday, July 21, 2018, from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Participants can choose from a list of available lakes and ponds in the Adirondack region to sign up for and survey.
Indigenous Peoples have ownership, use and management rights over at least a quarter of the world’s land surface according to a new study published this week in the journal Nature Sustainability.
Scientists estimate there are only 84 remaining highly endangered Amur leopards (Panthera pardus orientalis) remaining in the wild across its current range along the southernmost border of Primorskii Province in Russia and Jilin Province of China.
The Wildlife Conservation Society is delighted to congratulate Dr. Willy Marthy, Sumatra Manager for the WCS Indonesia Program, on his graduation from the IDEAS advanced leadership program.
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